Scheda programma d'esame
Anno accademico2017/18
PeriodoPrimo semestre

Programma non disponibile nella lingua selezionata
Learning outcomes

Students are expected to achieve a good knowledge of computer architecture scientific and technological foundations in order to understand the characteristics of computers at various levels, and their relations with programming tools, as well as structuring of systems via concurrent and cooperating modules.

Students are expected to achieve a good knowledge of computer architecture scientific and technological foundations in order to understand the characteristics of computers at various levels, and their relations with programming tools, as well as structuring of systems via concurrent and cooperating modules.

Students are expected to achieve a good knowledge of computer architecture scientific and technological foundations in order to understand the characteristics of computers at various levels, and their relations with programming tools, as well as structuring of systems via concurrent and cooperating modules.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The student should demonstrate the ability to properly correlating the various issues studied in the course in order to solve problem solving tasks in the definition and design of simple system modules and program performance evaluation. The written part will also assess the ability to present in a clear way a report of the solved problem.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final written exam
  • Periodic written tests

Further information:
Two midterms are provided: if taken with sufficient rating, they replace the written part of the exam.

The student should demonstrate the ability to properly correlating the various issues studied in the course in order to solve problem solving tasks in the definition and design of simple system modules and program performance evaluation. The written part will also assess the ability to present in a clear way a report of the solved problem.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final written exam
  • Periodic written tests


Further information:
Two midterms are provided: if taken with sufficient rating, they replace the written part of the exam.

The student should demonstrate the ability to properly correlating the various issues studied in the course in order to solve problem solving tasks in the definition and design of simple system modules and program performance evaluation. The written part will also assess the ability to present in a clear way a report of the solved problem.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final written exam
  • Periodic written tests


Further information:
Two midterms are provided: if taken with sufficient rating, they replace the written part of the exam.

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in seminar
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study

Attendance: Advised

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • Task-based learning/problem-based learning/inquiry-based learning

Delivery: face to face

Attendance: Advised

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in seminar
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study


Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • Task-based learning/problem-based learning/inquiry-based learning


Delivery: face to face

Attendance: Advised

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in seminar
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study


Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • Task-based learning/problem-based learning/inquiry-based learning



1.Computer systems fundamentals 2. Firmware level 3. Assembler machine level 4. Process level 5. Elementary processor architecture and performance 6. Memory hierarchies 7. Fundamentals of parallel systems structuring and evaluation 8. Instruction level parallelism CPUs 9. Introduction to multiprocessors

1.Computer systems fundamentals 2. Firmware level 3. Assembler machine level 4. Process level 5. Elementary processor architecture and performance 6. Memory hierarchies 7. Fundamentals of parallel systems structuring and evaluation 8. Instruction level parallelism CPUs 9. Introduction to multiprocessors

1.Computer systems fundamentals 2. Firmware level 3. Assembler machine level 4. Process level 5. Elementary processor architecture and performance 6. Memory hierarchies 7. Fundamentals of parallel systems structuring and evaluation 8. Instruction level parallelism CPUs 9. Introduction to multiprocessors


M. Vanneschi, Architettura degli Elaboratori. Pisa University Press, 2013. Other recommended readings: - D.A. Patterson, J.L. Hennessy, Computer Organization & Design – The Hardware/Software Interface. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. - G. B. Gerace, La Logica dei Sistemi di Elaborazione. Editori Riuniti.

M. Vanneschi, Architettura degli Elaboratori. Pisa University Press, 2013. Other recommended readings: - D.A. Patterson, J.L. Hennessy, Computer Organization & Design – The Hardware/Software Interface. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. - G. B. Gerace, La Logica dei Sistemi di Elaborazione. Editori Riuniti.

M. Vanneschi, Architettura degli Elaboratori. Pisa University Press, 2013. Other recommended readings: - D.A. Patterson, J.L. Hennessy, Computer Organization & Design – The Hardware/Software Interface. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. - G. B. Gerace, La Logica dei Sistemi di Elaborazione. Editori Riuniti.

Ultimo aggiornamento 08/05/2018 17:13