Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Lo studente dovrà dimostrare di conoscere i principali temi della storia politica italiana ed europea in un quadro atlantico tra tardo XVIII e XIX secolo, e di orientarsi fra i più recenti percorsi della storiografia ottocentistica, in relazione a questioni e problemi specifici.
Students will be required to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the major events that shaped the Italian and European political history in the Atlantic context during the late 18th century and 19th century
Esame finale orale / esame seminariale
Final oral exam / Seminar presentation activities
Lo studente dovrà dimostrare di saper ricostruire criticamente processi storici a partire dalla ricerca documentaria e iconografica, adoperando strumenti, metodi e linguaggi della disciplina.
Students will be required to demonstrate their ability to build historical processes starting from documentary and iconographic research, to application of specific historical tools, methods and languages
Esame finale orale / esame seminariale
Final oral exam / Seminar presentation activities
Lo studente dovrà dimostrare di saper formulare autonomamente ipotesi interpretative di un processo storico sulla base delle fonti, delle conoscenze storiografiche e del dibattito scientifico.
Students will be required to demonstrate their ability to formulate interpretative historical hypothesis based on sources, historiographical knowledge and scientific debate.
Esame finale orale / esame seminariale
Final oral exam / Seminar presentation activities
Conoscenza dello sviluppo degli eventi nell’ambito della storia contemporanea, con particolare attenzione all'età delle rivoluzioni e delle controrivoluzioni.
Students will be required to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the major modern history events and relevant developments, with a particulare focus on the age of the revolutions and counter-revolutions
Lezioni frontali; seminari tematici con specialisti esterni; esercitazioni seminariali su fonti e documenti condotte dagli studenti sulla base di una bibliografia specifica concordata con il docente.
The analysis of research cases study will be joined to the purely scientific issues
Carisma, fama e celebrità nell’età delle rivoluzioni
Charisma, fame and celebrity in the age of revolutions
From the mid-18th to mid-19th centuries, a great ideological, political and institutional transformation swept through the Euro-Atlantic space, already being called an “Age of Revolutions” by some contemporaries. It intersected with the transition from an “ancient media regime” to a new system of public communication: previously unknown supports circulated (books and illustrated periodicals, panoramas, dioramas), which told the stories of recent and historical events, as well as dramatizing narratives and focusing attention on celebrated contemporaries. This helped the rise of a political star system, aided by the cheap, agile and rapid spread of abundant images and objects (chimney ornaments, caricatures, lithographic and photographic portraits), in which the narration of private (mis)adventures intersected with public events.
Representations of illustrious men of Plutarchian descent or the great Enlightenment figures were flanked by and intertwined with popular heroes. Historiography has studied the political leadership that emerged during the age of revolutions within the analytical categories of charisma, fame and celebrity. For the most part, these personalities can be summarised in the images of men on horseback, in which an army career and military victories are inextricably linked to political success, whether fleeting or long-lasting (Pasquale Paoli, George Washington, Lafayette, Napoléon Bonaparte, Toussaint Louverture, Simón Bolívar, Wellington, Guglielmo Pepe, Rafael del Riego, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Ulysses S. Grant). These, however, compete with civil icons who perform the role of voluntary revolutionary (Byron, Giuseppe Montanelli), republican commanders in chief (Daniele Manin, Abraham Lincoln) or those who distinguished themselves in the major reformist mobilizations for the abolition of slavery (Benjamin Lay, William Wilberforce, Cinqué) and for political and economic freedom (John Wilkes, William Cobbett). They therefore outline the construction of a public space and a new politics that is characterised by their emotional and media profiles, as well as by the renewed personalisation of power.
The course intends to conduct a comparative investigation of the media forms of political legitimacy that characterised the age of revolutions (and counter-revolutions) in the 18th and 19th centuries, looking at the Risorgimento as a special scenario, and focusing attention on the tensions and interconnections between civil and military figures, charisma and celebrity, armed mobilization and political participation, and old and new communication circuits.
Programma d'esame per i frequentanti:
Parte istituzionale
1) M. Banti, Il Risorgimento italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004
A cui affiancare un testo a scelta fra:
Parte monografica:
2) L'intero gruppo di saggi:
3) Una monografia o una coppia di testi a scelta fra:
Students attending the course will be required to study:
1) M. Banti, Il Risorgimento italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004
This book should be combined by one monograph to choose among:
2) The set of short essays:
3) One monograph or set of monographs to choose among:
Programma d'esame per i non frequentanti:
Parte istituzionale
1) M. Banti, Il Risorgimento italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004
A cui affiancare un testo a scelta fra:
Parte monografica:
2) L'intero gruppo di saggi:
3) Due monografe o coppie di testi a scelta fra:
Students not attending the course will be required to study:
1) M. Banti, Il Risorgimento italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004
This book should be combined by one monograph to choose among:
2) The set of short essays:
3) Two monographs or set of monographs to choose among:
La verifica verrà effettuata tramite esame finale orale. In alternativa, per i frequentanti si prevede che una parte dell’esame possa essere svolta tramite relazioni scritte da presentare e discutere in aula in forma seminariale. In tal caso, la restante parte dell’esame sarà concordata con il docente.
Students will be required to take the final exam in an oral form.
Alternatively, students attending the course will be able to take part of the exam in the form of a 'seminar presentation'. In this case the remaining part of the exam will need to be agreed with the teacher.
Il corso inizierà lunedì 15 marzo
Le lezioni si svolgeranno sulla piattaforma Teams il lunedì e il mercoledì alle 16
Commissione di esame
Docente titolare/presidente
Gian Luca Fruci
Membri commissione:
Commissione supplente:
Presidente Alberto Mario Banti
Membri commissione supplente:
Office hours: 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Thursday
Further informations will be posted on the teacher's web-site