Scheda programma d'esame
Anno accademico2023/24

Programma non disponibile nella lingua selezionata
Learning outcomes

The course aims to focus on the basic theoretical principles of inorganic chemistry, as well as the properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds and the methods for obtaining individual representatives of compounds, The course includes the basic safety requirements for working with chemicals, and the basic requirements for preparing reports on laboratory work and coursework in inorganic chemistry. The students will become confident with names and purposes of all parts of the laboratory apparatus and all glassware used in the laboratory.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The acquisition of knowledge will be assessed during the lab activities.


C ompare, summarize and systematize experimental data, taking into account information from literary sources and reference data; provide a reasoned explanation for your own experimental results of studying the properties of inorganic compounds; highlight the main results taking into account the set goals and objectives; assess possible risks based on the physical and chemical properties of substances; assemble the necessary device for synthesis according to the given method and/or installation drawing; process experimental data using statistical laws of mathematics.

Assessment criteria of skills

The acquisition of skills will be assessed during the lab activities.


The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study of the discipline “Inorganic Chemistry” form the fundamental basis for the further study of other general professional disciplines, such as “Analytical Chemistry”, “Organic Chemistry”, “Coordination Chemistry”, “Supramolecular Chemistry”, “Chemical thermodynamics”, “Chemical kinetics”, “Structure of matter”.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

The acquisition of behaviors will be assessed during the lab activities.


Basic properties of chemical elements and their compounds, patterns of chemical equilibrium and processes in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.


The course consists of the following topics: A Survey of the Representative, Elements, The Group 1A Elements, The Chemistry of Hydrogen, The Group 2A Elements, The Group 3A Elements, The Group 4A Elements, The Group 5A Elements, The Chemistry of Nitrogen , The Chemistry of Phosphorus, The Group 6A Elements, The Chemistry of Oxygen, The Chemistry of Sulfur, The Group 7A Elements, The Group 8A Elements, The Transition Metals: A Survey, The First-Row Transition Metals, Coordination Compounds, Isomerism, Bonding in Complex Ions: The Localized Electron Model, The Crystal Field Model, The Biological Importance of, Coordination Complexes Metallurgy and Iron and Steel, Production.

  • The slides of the lessons held by the teacher.
  • Cengage Learning (2012). Steven S. Zumdahl-Susan A. Zumdahl
  • Chemistry The Central Science. Person Education, Inc. (2015). Brown-LeMay-Bursten-Murphy-Woodward-Stoltzfuz
  • Solution manual. Cengage Learning (2012). Steven S. Zumdahl-Susan A. Zumdahl
Assessment methods

There will be one midterm and final exam at the end of the semester. Specific for this Subject are the following requirements for the course.

Ultimo aggiornamento 09/01/2024 10:35