PeriodoSecondo semestre

Osservazioni e lezioni che illustrano i metodi per l’analisi osservativa dei processi astrofisici
Observations and simulations demonstrating a variety of observational technques
Esercizi e analisi di data (spettri, fotometria, immagini)
Exercises abd analysis of real data (spectroscopic, photometric, imaging)
Relazioni su analisi: spettri, immagini, fotometria; simulazioni
Extended observational reports and writeups of laboratory work and simulations
program. in Matlab, IDL, o python
programming skills at a basic level in Matlab, or IDL, or python
frontale, interativi, periodi osservativi
lectures, exercises, observational periods
The basics of remote sensing in the cosmic context
Photon detection and calibration: basic detectors, calibration issues, filter systems throughout the electromagnetic spectrum , backgrounds
Photometry: image reconstruction methods, completeness, surveys
Spectroscopy: laboratory and astronomical
Polarimetry and spectropolarimetry
Optical and radio interferometry
Simulation of astronomical observations
Analyses of space based and ground based archival data
The basics of remote sensing in the cosmic context
Photon detection and calibration: basic detectors, calibration issues, filter systems throughout the electromagnetic spectrum , backgrounds
Photometry: image reconstruction methods, completeness, surveys
Spectroscopy: laboratory and astronomical
Polarimetry and spectropolarimetry
Optical and radio interferometry
Simulation of astronomical observations
Analyses of space based and ground based archival data