PeriodoPrimo semestre
Contenuto: elementi di biofisica e biologia molecolare.
Tecniche sperimentali di caratterizzazione dei biosistemi, tecniche teoriche di modellistica e studio dei biosistemi.
Applicazioni pratiche ed esempio.
I necessari elementi base di biochimica e biologia sono introdotti all'inizio del corso.
Students will be given an introduction to molecular biophysics and elements of molecular biology.
The experimental techniques for the structural characterization of biomolecules and the molecular modeling multiscale methods for their behavior investigation will be illustrated.
Examples of applications will be given.
Basic concepts of biochemistry and biology are introduced at the beginning of the course.
Gli studenti sono testati sulla loro abilità di illustrare gli argomenti del programma, di approfondirli, di capire la fisica di base sottostante ai fenomeni descritti, utilizzando i concetti di base forniti nel corso e in altri parte del curriculum di base proveniente dal corso della triennale.
The student is tested on his/her ability of exposing and going through a topic in the program, of understanding the basic physics underlying given phenomena using the knowledge given in the course or in others in the student background.
Il corso intende anche illustrare come sistemi complessi come la materia vivente possano essere affrontato combinando diverse metodologie teoriche e sperimentali provenienti da diversi campi in maniera sinergica.
The course is intended not only as a list of topics in molecular biophysics, but as an illustration of the integration of synergistic combination of multidisciplinary techniques to address the behavior of a complex systems as the living matter.
Lo studente sarà testato sulla sua capacità di dedurre razionalmente conseguenze da dati, e di affrontare criticamente un problema combinando diverse conoscenze, date in questo corso o in altri.
È gradita (sebbene non obbligatoria e non dispensatoria rispetto alla conoscenza del programma del corso) l'iniziativa personale (ad es ricerca bibliografica per approfondire determinati argomenti)
The student must demonstrate his/her capability of rationally deducing consequences, and critically addressing a problem.
Personal initiative (e.g. bibliographic personal search on specific topics related to those of the course) is appreciated, though not compulsory, and not exclusive of the verification of the course program.
Only the course included in the list of compulsory ones for the previous degree.
Il corso è collegato e complementare ad altri nell'ambito di Fisica Medica e del percorso Biosistemi.
The course is related and complementary to others in the "Biosistemi" group and within the Medical Physics CV.
Frontal lessons, slides, interaction with students. Notions and examples are combined.
- Introduction to structural biochemistry (8h=2 weeks)
- Nature of forces within biomolecules
- Structure and functions of carbohydrates
- Structure and function of nucleic acids, transcription and translation
- Structure and function of proteins, their classification
- Structure and function of lipid membranes, and membrane proteins
- Structure of prokaryote and eukaryote cells
- Viruses, structure and replication
- Molecular optical spectroscopy (8h= 2 weeks)
- Molecular electronic structure and molecular orbitals
- UV absorption of proteins and nucleic acids
- π-conjugated systems
- Rhodopsin, retinal and vision
- Linear and circular dichroism
- Spontaneous emission and fluorescence
- Non-radiative decay
- Intersystem crossing and phosphorescence
- Fluorescent Proteins: structure and spectroscopic properties
- Absorption and scattering in tissues: near-infrared window
- Non-linear processes: two photons adsorption and second harmonic generation (SHG)
- Vibrational spectroscopy (4h = 1 week)
- Molecular vibrations
- IR spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Raman vibrational spectroscopy
- Vibrational spectra of proteins
- Pre-resonant and resonant Raman spectroscopy
- Imaging by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS)
- Structural spectroscopy of biomolecules (4h=1 week)
- Protein crystals and X-ray diffraction
- Protein models from the electronic density map
- Overview of cryo-electron microscopy
- Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Brief illustration of multidimensional NMR
- Browsing the PDB: visualisation of biomolecules
- Computational modeling of biomolecules (6h=1.5 weeks)
- Overview of QM methods
- Molecular mechanics
- Molecular dynamics: time discretization and integrators of the Newton equation
- Applications: protein dynamics and receptor-ligand interactions, protein folding
- Overview of methods for protein-structure prediction and protein design
- Multi-scale simulations of bio-systems (6h, 1.5 weeks)
- low-resolution models and multi-scale combinations
- Go and network models of biomolecules
- Continuum and mechanistic models of biopolymers and membranes
- implicit solvent models and surface representations, docking.
Basic biochemistry and biophysics text will be suggested during the first lessons. additional material will be uploaded on the web sites of the course
Gli studenti possono sempre contattare gli insegnanti per avere informazioni sulle lezioni.
Il materiale viene caricato sul sito del corso man mano che le lezioni procedono
The students can always contact the teachers to have information on the classes.
Material is uploaded on the teams or elearning web site as the lessons proceed.
L'esame finale è orale. Tuttavia gli studenti possono scegliere di presentare un proprio argomento di approfondimento collegato con quelli del corso. In tal caso esporranno tale argomento nella parte preliminare del corso (5-10 min). A questa fase seguiranno domande sul programma.
The final exam is oral. Students have two options, among which the student can freely choose 1. they are interviewed directly on the whole program of the course or 2. Students can focus on a specific topic, by (autonomously or with the teacher help) searching bibliography on it. In that case, the exam starts with the oral presentation of the topic (5-10 mins), and then the candidate is interviewed on other topics of the course.