Academic year 2022/2023


Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track Archeologia: i resti delle civiltà antiche del Mediterraneo e dell'Europa, dall'età preistorica fino all'età medievale, le metodologie di studio e di elaborazione dei dati, i problemi inerenti la tutela, la valorizzazione e la gestione dei Beni archeologici. Il progetto formativo si articola in una serie di attività che prevedono corsi e lezioni frontali, laboratori e attività pratiche sul campo.

Year 1 (2022/2023)
265LLArchaeology ad History of Greek Art12 ECTS
208LLFoundations of Greek History6 ECTS
253LLFoundations of Roman History6 ECTS
286LLItalian Literature12 ECTS
1276LMethodologies of archeology research6 ECTS
275LLPrehistoric Archaeology12 ECTS
2182ZStage3 ECTS
Group Latino - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1330LIntroduction to the Latin language6 ECTS
 367LLLatin Literature6 ECTS
Year 2 (2023/2024)
266LLArchaeology and History of Roman Art12 ECTS
279LLEtruscology and Italic Archaeology12 ECTS
077MMFoundations of Medieval History6 ECTS
1046LMedieval Archaeology12 ECTS
2182ZStage3 ECTS
Group Archeologia - discipline affini e integrative 2° anno - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 475AA3D graphics for cultural heritage6 ECTS
 873LLAegean Civilizations6 ECTS
 716LLAncient Topography6 ECTS
 1205LArchaeometry6 ECTS
 088MMCartography6 ECTS
 278LLEgyptology6 ECTS
 092MMExegesis of Medieval Historical Sources6 ECTS
 1275LFoundations of Greek language and literature6 ECTS
 374LLFunerary Archaeology6 ECTS
 293MMGeneral pedagogy 12 ECTS
 113MMGeneral psychology12 ECTS
 633MMGeneral teaching and specific learning disorders12 ECTS
 078DDGeoresources for cultural heritage6 ECTS
 1182LGlottology6 ECTS
 285LLGreek Literature12 ECTS
  Linguistics6 ECTS
 1187LLinguistics12 ECTS
 833LLMuseum communication6 ECTS
 538MMSpecial pedagogy and inclusive education12 ECTS
Group Discipline geografiche e antropologiche - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 618MMAnthropology of communication6 ECTS
 686MMIntroduction to Cultural Anthropology6 ECTS
 093MMLandscape and Environmental Geography6 ECTS
Year 3 (2024/2025)
 Activities chosen by students12 ECTS
 Computing skills3 ECTS
200ZWFinal Test6 ECTS
166NNPrinciples and History of Cultural Heritage Conservation6 ECTS
Group Archeologia - disciplina storico-artistica - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 381LLCollecting and Museum History6 ECTS
  Foundations of the History of Medieval Art in Italy and Europe6 ECTS
  Foundations of the History of Modern Art in Italy and Europe6 ECTS
 268LLHistory of Medieval Art in Italy and Europe12 ECTS
Group Archeologia - discipline affini e integrative - 3° anno - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 475AA3D graphics for cultural heritage6 ECTS
 873LLAegean Civilizations6 ECTS
 716LLAncient Topography6 ECTS
 088MMCartography6 ECTS
 278LLEgyptology6 ECTS
 092MMExegesis of Medieval Historical Sources6 ECTS
 1275LFoundations of Greek language and literature6 ECTS
 374LLFunerary Archaeology6 ECTS
 1182LGlottology6 ECTS
  Linguistics6 ECTS
 833LLMuseum communication6 ECTS
Group Laboratori - Choice of 3 ECTS from:
 282LLAncient Topography Laboratory3 ECTS
 401ZWArchaeological and Ancient History of Art Sources - Laboratory3 ECTS
 1366LDirect reading laboratory of contemporary works of art3 ECTS
 2035ZDirect reading laboratory of medieval works of art3 ECTS
 2036ZDirect reading laboratory of modern art works3 ECTS
 631ZWFunerary Archaeology3 ECTS
 1843ZGIS laboratory3 ECTS
 933ZWHistorical and architectural territorial research laboratory3 ECTS
 192ZWHistory of Art Sources processing - Laboratory2 ECTS
 028HHLandscape Mapping and Valuation Techniques - Laboratory3 ECTS
 1848ZMuseia laboratory 3 ECTS
 193ZWOnline Bibliographical Research - Laboratory1 ECTS
 1906ZStatistics Laboratory for Cultural Heritage3 ECTS
Group Lingue straniere - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 284LLEnglish Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 295LLEnglish Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 254LLFrench Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 283LLFrench Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 296LLGerman Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 297LLGerman Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 210ZWSpanish Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish Language laboratory C6 ECTS

Track Egitto e vicino Oriente antichi: le civiltà dell’Egitto, Sudan e Vicino Oriente antichi, dall’età preistorica fino all’età medievale, inquadrate nel più ampio contesto mediterraneo ed europeo; le metodologie di studio e di elaborazione dei dati, i problemi inerenti la tutela, la valorizzazione e la gestione del patrimonio culturale proveniente dalle civiltà antiche dell’Egitto, del Sudan e del Vicino Oriente. Il progetto formativo si articola in una serie di attività che prevedono corsi e lezioni frontali, laboratori e stage presso Enti pubblici e privati.

Year 1 (2022/2023)
278LLEgyptology6 ECTS
208LLFoundations of Greek History6 ECTS
260LLHistory of the Ancient Near East12 ECTS
286LLItalian Literature12 ECTS
166NNPrinciples and History of Cultural Heritage Conservation6 ECTS
Group Discipline geografiche e antropologiche - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 618MMAnthropology of communication6 ECTS
 686MMIntroduction to Cultural Anthropology6 ECTS
 093MMLandscape and Environmental Geography6 ECTS
Group Latino - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1330LIntroduction to the Latin language6 ECTS
 367LLLatin Literature6 ECTS
Group Lingue straniere - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 284LLEnglish Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 295LLEnglish Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 254LLFrench Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 283LLFrench Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 296LLGerman Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 297LLGerman Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 210ZWSpanish Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish Language laboratory C6 ECTS
Year 2 (2023/2024)
873LLAegean Civilizations6 ECTS
265LLArchaeology ad History of Greek Art12 ECTS
1184LArcheology and art history of the Ancient Near East6 ECTS
 Computing skills3 ECTS
451LLEgyptian archeology6 ECTS
1276LMethodologies of archeology research6 ECTS
Group EVOA - Affini ed integrative II anno (altre culture orientali) - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1328LArmenian Culture and History6 ECTS
 207LLIslamic6 ECTS
 1186LJewish History and Culture6 ECTS
Group EVOA - Caratterizzanti II anno - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 279LLEtruscology and Italic Archaeology12 ECTS
 1046LMedieval Archaeology12 ECTS
 275LLPrehistoric Archaeology12 ECTS
Group Laboratori - Choice of 3 ECTS from:
 282LLAncient Topography Laboratory3 ECTS
 401ZWArchaeological and Ancient History of Art Sources - Laboratory3 ECTS
 1366LDirect reading laboratory of contemporary works of art3 ECTS
 2035ZDirect reading laboratory of medieval works of art3 ECTS
 2036ZDirect reading laboratory of modern art works3 ECTS
 631ZWFunerary Archaeology3 ECTS
 1843ZGIS laboratory3 ECTS
 933ZWHistorical and architectural territorial research laboratory3 ECTS
 192ZWHistory of Art Sources processing - Laboratory2 ECTS
 028HHLandscape Mapping and Valuation Techniques - Laboratory3 ECTS
 1848ZMuseia laboratory 3 ECTS
 193ZWOnline Bibliographical Research - Laboratory1 ECTS
 1906ZStatistics Laboratory for Cultural Heritage3 ECTS
Year 3 (2024/2025)
 Activities chosen by students12 ECTS
266LLArchaeology and History of Roman Art12 ECTS
135LLArcheology and History of the Arabian Peninsula6 ECTS
200ZWFinal Test6 ECTS
1274LMaterial culture of ancient Egypt6 ECTS
2049ZStage6 ECTS
Group EVOA - Affini III anno - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 1205LArchaeometry6 ECTS
 289LLArt History Methods and Theory6 ECTS
 367MMFoundations of Archival Studies6 ECTS
 077MMFoundations of Medieval History6 ECTS
 253LLFoundations of Roman History6 ECTS
 374LLFunerary Archaeology6 ECTS
 293MMGeneral pedagogy 12 ECTS
 113MMGeneral psychology12 ECTS
 633MMGeneral teaching and specific learning disorders12 ECTS
 268LLHistory of Medieval Art in Italy and Europe12 ECTS
 082MMHistory of religions A6 ECTS
 207LLIslamic6 ECTS
 1186LJewish History and Culture6 ECTS
 833LLMuseum communication6 ECTS
 538MMSpecial pedagogy and inclusive education12 ECTS

Track Storia dell'arte: la storia delle arti visive, dell'architettura e dell'urbanistica dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea, le metodologie di indagine e i problemi concernenti la conservazione, la tutela e la gestione del patrimonio storico-artistico. Il progetto formativo si articola in una serie di attività che prevedono corsi e lezioni frontali, laboratori e stage presso Enti pubblici e privati, finalizzati a mettere gli studenti in diretto contatto con il mondo del lavoro.

Year 1 (2022/2023)
289LLArt History Methods and Theory6 ECTS
077MMFoundations of Medieval History6 ECTS
268LLHistory of Medieval Art in Italy and Europe12 ECTS
286LLItalian Literature12 ECTS
Group Discipline geografiche e antropologiche - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 618MMAnthropology of communication6 ECTS
 686MMIntroduction to Cultural Anthropology6 ECTS
 093MMLandscape and Environmental Geography6 ECTS
Group Latino - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1330LIntroduction to the Latin language6 ECTS
 367LLLatin Literature6 ECTS
Group Storia dell'arte - disciplina archeologica - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 265LLArchaeology ad History of Greek Art12 ECTS
 266LLArchaeology and History of Roman Art12 ECTS
 279LLEtruscology and Italic Archaeology12 ECTS
 1032LEtruscology and Italic archeology6 ECTS
 1416LFoundations of Greek Archaeology and History of Art6 ECTS
 1417LFoundations of Roman Archaeology and History of Art6 ECTS
 1315LInstitutions of archeology and history of Greek and Roman art12 ECTS
 1046LMedieval Archaeology12 ECTS
 1031LMedieval Archaeology: an introduction6 ECTS
Year 2 (2023/2024)
 Computing skills3 ECTS
076MMFoundations of Contemporary History6 ECTS
078MMFoundations of Modern History6 ECTS
267LLHistory of Contemporary Art12 ECTS
269LLHistory of Modern Art in Italy and Europe12 ECTS
Group Laboratori - Choice of 3 ECTS from:
 282LLAncient Topography Laboratory3 ECTS
 401ZWArchaeological and Ancient History of Art Sources - Laboratory3 ECTS
 1366LDirect reading laboratory of contemporary works of art3 ECTS
 2035ZDirect reading laboratory of medieval works of art3 ECTS
 2036ZDirect reading laboratory of modern art works3 ECTS
 631ZWFunerary Archaeology3 ECTS
 1843ZGIS laboratory3 ECTS
 933ZWHistorical and architectural territorial research laboratory3 ECTS
 192ZWHistory of Art Sources processing - Laboratory2 ECTS
 028HHLandscape Mapping and Valuation Techniques - Laboratory3 ECTS
 1848ZMuseia laboratory 3 ECTS
 193ZWOnline Bibliographical Research - Laboratory1 ECTS
 1906ZStatistics Laboratory for Cultural Heritage3 ECTS
Group Lingue straniere - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 284LLEnglish Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 295LLEnglish Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 254LLFrench Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 283LLFrench Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 296LLGerman Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 297LLGerman Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman Language laboratory C6 ECTS
 210ZWSpanish Language laboratory A6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish Language laboratory B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish Language laboratory C6 ECTS
Group Storia dell'arte - discipline caratterizzanti 2° anno - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 098HHFoundations of the history of architecture and urban planning6 ECTS
 1261LHistory of artistic techniques6 ECTS
 293LLHistory of Decorative and Industrial Art6 ECTS
 1331LHistory of Renaissance architecture6 ECTS
Year 3 (2024/2025)
 Activities chosen by students12 ECTS
200ZWFinal Test6 ECTS
166NNPrinciples and History of Cultural Heritage Conservation6 ECTS
2049ZStage6 ECTS
Group Storia dell'arte - discipline affini e integrative - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 475AA3D graphics for cultural heritage6 ECTS
 618MMAnthropology of communication6 ECTS
 276LLArchaeometry12 ECTS
 370MMByzantine History6 ECTS
 088MMCartography6 ECTS
 064CCChemistry for the Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 576LLContemporary Italian Literature12 ECTS
 428AAData Bases and Information Systems6 ECTS
 278LLEgyptology6 ECTS
 092MMExegesis of Medieval Historical Sources6 ECTS
 707LLFilm and visual arts6 ECTS
 585LLFilm History and Criticism12 ECTS
 367MMFoundations of Archival Studies6 ECTS
 346MMFoundations of History of Printing and Publishing6 ECTS
 293MMGeneral pedagogy 12 ECTS
 113MMGeneral psychology12 ECTS
 633MMGeneral teaching and specific learning disorders12 ECTS
  history and criticism of cinema6 ECTS
  History and criticism of cinema: film analysis6 ECTS
 1261LHistory of artistic techniques6 ECTS
 1234LHistory of photography6 ECTS
 705LLHistory of Radio, TV and Electronic Art12 ECTS
 125MMHistory of Science and Technology12 ECTS
 584LLHistory of Stage Design6 ECTS
 089MMHistory of the Medieval Church6 ECTS
 686MMIntroduction to Cultural Anthropology6 ECTS
 333MMLibrary Science6 ECTS
 1187LLinguistics12 ECTS
 1274LMaterial culture of ancient Egypt6 ECTS
 833LLMuseum communication6 ECTS
 538MMSpecial pedagogy and inclusive education12 ECTS
 699LLTheatre and Performance History12 ECTS
Group Storia dell'arte - discipline caratterizzanti 3° anno - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 381LLCollecting and Museum History6 ECTS
 280LLFoundations of the Art History Criticism6 ECTS
 1331LHistory of Renaissance architecture6 ECTS