Academic year 2023/2024

GEOLOGY Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Curriculum unico

Year 1 (2023/2024)
397CCChemistry9 ECTS
803AAICT for Geosciences6 ECTS
277DDInterdisciplinary field activity3 ECTS
279DDIntroductory Geology-Cartography6 ECTS
278DDIntroductory Geology -Endogenous and Exogenous processes12 ECTS
804AAMathematics9 ECTS
284DDPaleontology 6 ECTS
421BBPhysics9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
 Geochemistry6 ECTS
 Geology of Uzbekistan and field activity9 ECTS
 Geomorphology and Thematic Maps9 ECTS
 Geophysics6 ECTS
 Mineralogy and Petrology 12 ECTS
 Sedimentary Geology 6 ECTS
 Structural Geology, Tectonics and Field Mapping 12 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
 Exploration geophysics6 ECTS
 Geowriting3 ECTS
 Hydrogeology and engineering geology6 ECTS
 Industrial practice6 ECTS
 Ore Deposits and the Environment 12 ECTS
 Ore Deposits of Uzbekistan and Field Activity 9 ECTS
 Thesis6 ECTS
Group AFC - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
  Global changes, water resource and sustainability6 ECTS
  Laboratory skills6 ECTS
  Thesis preparation 6 ECTS