Academic year 2022/2023


Course structure diagram w/credits

Track UNICO 2018

Year 1 (2022/2023)
303EEBiochemistry and Biology6 ECTS
 Computer skills3 ECTS
481ZWEnglish language3 ECTS
302EEHistology and Anatomy6 ECTS
110FFInternship 1st year and Professionalaizing Internship17 ECTS
118FFMicrobiology and Hygiene6 ECTS
004FBPhysics and Statistics6 ECTS
012EFPhysiology and Pathology6 ECTS
010FESpecial Anatomy and Podology6 ECTS
Year 2 (2023/2024)
009QMGeneral Psychology and sociology of health6 ECTS
013EFInternal Medicine and Pharmacology6 ECTS
212FFInternship 2nd year21 ECTS
175FFNeurology and Pediatrics6 ECTS
208FFPodology and Orthopedics6 ECTS
318FFReumatology and endocrinology6 ECTS
1725ZSeminar professionalizing3 ECTS
210FFSpecial podology I6 ECTS
Group ADE II anno - Choice of 2 ECTS from:
 205FFElective course 2nd year:Angiological diagnostics1 ECTS
 206FFElective course 2nd year: Infectious diseases1 ECTS
Year 3 (2024/2025)
002PBBusiness Management and Physics applied to movement6 ECTS
742ZWFinal examination6 ECTS
253FFInternship 3rd year25 ECTS
250FFRadiology and Podology6 ECTS
251FFSkin diseases and Physiatry6 ECTS
252FFSpecial podology II6 ECTS
Group ADE III anno - Choice of 4 ECTS from:
 248FFElective course 3rd year: Applied podiatry1 ECTS
 249FFElective course 3rd year: Functional podiatry assessment. 1 ECTS
 246FFElective course 3rd year: Occupational medicine1 ECTS
 240FFElective course 3rd year: Orthopaedic Surgery of the Diabetic Foot1 ECTS