Academic year 2023/2024


Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Filologia e Storia dell'Antichità

Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Free chosen activities12 ECTS
Group LET - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 1852ZGreek and Latin Philology12 ECTS
 1312LGreek Grammar6 ECTS
 1313LLatin Grammar6 ECTS
 426LLSeminar of Greek literature6 ECTS
 427LLSeminar of Latin literature6 ECTS
Group STO - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 443LLGreek history II12 ECTS
 623LLHistory of ancient historiography12 ECTS
 470LLSeminar of Roman history6 ECTS
 471LLSeminar of Roman history6 ECTS
Group TEC - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 456LLClassical philology II6 ECTS
 619LLComparative history of classical literatures6 ECTS
 702MMGreek palaeography 6 ECTS
 622LLHistory of classical rhetoric6 ECTS
 161MMHistory of religions6 ECTS
 697LLHistory of textual tradition6 ECTS
 620LLHistory of the classical culture and tradition6 ECTS
 093NNJuristic epigraphy6 ECTS
 433LLPapyrology 6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1253ZFinal dissertation21 ECTS
Group AFF - Choice of 30 ECTS from:
 358LLAncient numismatics6 ECTS
 934LLAncient theatre and dramaturgy6 ECTS
  Ancient topography I12 ECTS
 447LLAncient topography II6 ECTS
 399LLAnthropology of the ancient world6 ECTS
 933LLArchaeology and history of Greek art for non-archaeologists6 ECTS
  Archaeology and history of Greek art I12 ECTS
 407LLArchaeology and history of Greek art II6 ECTS
 518LLArchaeology and history of Roman art for non archaeologists6 ECTS
  Archaeology and history of Roman art I12 ECTS
 408LLArchaeology and history of Roman art II6 ECTS
 340MMBasic history of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 415LLByzantine Civilization6 ECTS
 145LLClassical philology12 ECTS
 1314LComparative literatures6 ECTS
 1172LComparative literatures of the eastern Mediterranean6 ECTS
 062MMCultural anthropology A6 ECTS
 063MMCultural anthropology B6 ECTS
 520LLDidactics of Greek6 ECTS
 522LLDidactics of Latin6 ECTS
 173MMDiplomatica6 ECTS
 279LLEtruscology and italic archaeology12 ECTS
  General linguistics6 ECTS
 383LLGerman Philology6 ECTS
 153LLGlottology12 ECTS
 1041LGreek and Roman architecture and urbanism 6 ECTS
 204LLGreek epigraphy A6 ECTS
 420LLGreek epigraphy B6 ECTS
 931LLGreek linguistics6 ECTS
 530LLGreek metrics and rhythmics6 ECTS
 259LLHebrew language6 ECTS
 465LLHebrew language and literature II6 ECTS
 160LLHebrew literature6 ECTS
 206LLHistorical geography of the ancient world6 ECTS
 116MMHistory of ancient Christianity6 ECTS
 260LLHistory of ancient Near East12 ECTS
 107MMHistory of ancient philosophy12 ECTS
 693LLHistory of Greek language 6 ECTS
 695LLHistory of Latin language 6 ECTS
 082MMHistory of religions6 ECTS
 1264LIconography and Iconology in the Classical World6 ECTS
 147LLIranian Philology6 ECTS
 205LLLatin epigraphy A6 ECTS
 421LLLatin epigraphy B6 ECTS
 932LLLatin linguistics6 ECTS
 083MMLatin palaeography12 ECTS
 1410LLiterature and Philology of Late Antiquity 6 ECTS
 149LLMedieval and humanistic philology6 ECTS
 272LLMedieval archaeology6 ECTS
 732LLMedieval Latin literature6 ECTS
 274LLMinoic archaeology6 ECTS
 273LLMycenean archaeology6 ECTS
 150LLRomance philology6 ECTS
 928LLRomance philology12 ECTS
 1421LSanskrit6 ECTS
 263LLSocial and economic history of the ancient world 6 ECTS
 930LLSyriac language6 ECTS
 929LLSyriac literature6 ECTS
Group LAB - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
  Computer science skills9 ECTS
 1180LDeutsch language, level I9 ECTS
 1181LDeutsch language, level II9 ECTS
 1176LEnglish Language, level I9 ECTS
 1177LEnglish language, level II9 ECTS
 1174LFrench language, level I9 ECTS
 1175LFrench language, level II9 ECTS
 1178LSpanish language, level I9 ECTS
 1179LSpanish language, level II9 ECTS
 1572ZStage9 ECTS