Academic year 2023/2024

STORIA E CIVILTÀ Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Curriculum unico

Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Elective course12 ECTS
Group STO1 - Choice of 24 ECTS from:
 177MMComparative history of modern societies12 ECTS
 713MMComparative history of modern societies6 ECTS
 188MMCultural History in the first Modern Age6 ECTS
 178MMCultural Studies6 ECTS
 194MMEconomic and Social History of Medieval Age6 ECTS
 190MMEuropean History in Medieval Age6 ECTS
 649MMExegesis of documentary sources of medieval history6 ECTS
 650MMExegesis of the narrative sources of medieval history6 ECTS
 193MMgender history in first modern age6 ECTS
 191MMHistory of Contemporary Italy6 ECTS
 081MMHistory of Eastern Europe6 ECTS
 660MMHistory of historiography and questions of historical method6 ECTS
 375MMHistory of late ancient and medieval settlements6 ECTS
 416MMHistory of the Age of Enlightenment6 ECTS
 654MMHistory of the age of revolutions and the Risorgimento6 ECTS
 415MMHistory of the ancient Italian States6 ECTS
 380MMHistory of the Mediterranean in Modern age6 ECTS
 499MMhistory of the work 6 ECTS
 655MMIntellectual and political history of contemporary Europe6 ECTS
 612MMIntersectional gender studies6 ECTS
 469MMItalian and European Medieval History6 ECTS
 353MMItalian and European Renaissance6 ECTS
 671MMModern Jewish History and History of Antisemitism6 ECTS
 197MMPolitical and Institutional History of first Modern Age6 ECTS
 196MMPolitical and Institutional History of Medieval Age6 ECTS
 417MMReligious history of the modern age6 ECTS
Group Sto2 - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 309QQAnalysis of the classics of political thought6 ECTS
 651MMCultural and social geography6 ECTS
 171MMCultural Anthropology6 ECTS
 646MMEconomic and social geography of the contemporary world6 ECTS
 411PPEconomic History6 ECTS
 191PPEconomic History of Modern Age12 ECTS
 192PPEconomic History of XIXth century6 ECTS
 126QQHisotry of International Institutions6 ECTS
 190PPHistory of Economic Theories12 ECTS
 127QQHistory of International Relations6 ECTS
 090NNHistory of LAw6 ECTS
 276QQHistory of political and social ideas6 ECTS
 385MMHistory of science12 ECTS
 183MMHistory of the Catholic Church in Medieval Age6 ECTS
 220QQInternational relations and geopolitics12 ECTS
 699MMLandscapes of development6 ECTS
 272LLMedieval Archeology6 ECTS
Group STO3 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 124QQAfrican History6 ECTS
 125QQHistory of Eastern Asia6 ECTS
 151QQHistory of Modern and Contemporary China6 ECTS
 1390LHistory of the contemporary Arab world6 ECTS
 169QQHistory of the Near East6 ECTS
 122QQHistory of the United States6 ECTS
 1387LIslamic Studies: Thought, Politics, Gender 6 ECTS
 1408LSeminar of Byzantine History6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
239ZWFinal Dissertation24 ECTS
Group AFF - Choice of 24 ECTS from:
 096MMAesthetics12 ECTS
 856LLAncient Empires6 ECTS
 643MMArchive research methodology6 ECTS
 516LLArt History in Modern Age6 ECTS
 547MMBibliography6 ECTS
 179MMBook History6 ECTS
 177MMComparative history of modern societies12 ECTS
 651MMCultural and social geography6 ECTS
 171MMCultural Anthropology6 ECTS
 188MMCultural History in the first Modern Age6 ECTS
 178MMCultural Studies6 ECTS
 164MMDidactics of geography6 ECTS
 558MMDidactics of history6 ECTS
 557MMDidactics of philosophy6 ECTS
 471MMDigital public history 6 ECTS
 173MMdiplomatic6 ECTS
 646MMEconomic and social geography of the contemporary world6 ECTS
 194MMEconomic and Social History of Medieval Age6 ECTS
 411PPEconomic History6 ECTS
 190MMEuropean History in Medieval Age6 ECTS
 649MMExegesis of documentary sources of medieval history6 ECTS
 650MMExegesis of the narrative sources of medieval history6 ECTS
 652MMGeography and history of the climate6 ECTS
 153LLGlottology 12 ECTS
 851LLGreek and Roman History: Political Models6 ECTS
 187MMHisotry of Libraries6 ECTS
 648MMHistorical cartography and geographic information systems6 ECTS
 414MMHistorical epistemology6 ECTS
 653MMHistory of anthropological thought6 ECTS
 191MMHistory of Contemporary Italy6 ECTS
 700MMHistory of contemporary philosophy6 ECTS
 660MMHistory of historiography and questions of historical method6 ECTS
 375MMHistory of late ancient and medieval settlements6 ECTS
 606MMHistory of medicine6 ECTS
 517LLHistory of Medieval Art6 ECTS
 706MMHistory of medieval philosophy6 ECTS
 698MMHistory of migration in the contemporary age6 ECTS
 818LLHistory of Modern Art6 ECTS
 707MMHistory of modern philosophy6 ECTS
 276QQHistory of political and social ideas6 ECTS
 385MMHistory of science12 ECTS
 416MMHistory of the Age of Enlightenment6 ECTS
 654MMHistory of the age of revolutions and the Risorgimento6 ECTS
 255QQHistory of the arab-israeli conflict6 ECTS
 511LLHistory of the Italian Language6 ECTS
 380MMHistory of the Mediterranean in Modern age6 ECTS
 499MMhistory of the work 6 ECTS
 655MMIntellectual and political history of contemporary Europe6 ECTS
 089NNInternational Law6 ECTS
 612MMIntersectional gender studies6 ECTS
 682MMIntroduction to the philosophy of science6 ECTS
 1387LIslamic Studies: Thought, Politics, Gender 6 ECTS
 172MMLibrarianship6 ECTS
 338MMLogical institutions6 ECTS
 272LLMedieval Archeology6 ECTS
 947LLMedieval Archeology II6 ECTS
 428LLMedieval Latin Literature6 ECTS
 1400LMedieval Philology 6 ECTS
 184MMMedieval Philosophy12 ECTS
 671MMModern Jewish History and History of Antisemitism6 ECTS
 122MMModern Philosophy12 ECTS
 220MMMoral philosophy12 ECTS
 214MMPhilosophy of History12 ECTS
 098MMPhilosophy of language12 ECTS
 099MMPhilosophy of Science12 ECTS
 197MMPolitical and Institutional History of first Modern Age6 ECTS
 196MMPolitical and Institutional History of Medieval Age6 ECTS
 417MMReligious history of the modern age6 ECTS
 1408LSeminar of Byzantine History6 ECTS
 121QQSociology of Culture and Communication12 ECTS
 148MMSpecial Archives 6 ECTS
  Stage6 ECTS
 161MMStoria delle religioni B6 ECTS
 708MMThe Modern Italian Cultures from Risorgimento to the Republic6 ECTS
 290MMTheoretical philosophy6 ECTS
 222MMTheoretical philosophy 12 ECTS
Group LIN - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 311LLEnglisch (level C)6 ECTS
 295LLEnglish (level B)6 ECTS
 283LLFrench language level B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench language, level C6 ECTS
 342LLGerman language, level C6 ECTS
 297LLGerman (level B)6 ECTS
 238ZWPortuguese6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish language, level C6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish (level B)6 ECTS
Group STO4 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 643MMArchive research methodology6 ECTS
 547MMBibliography6 ECTS
 179MMBook History6 ECTS
 173MMdiplomatic6 ECTS
 187MMHisotry of Libraries6 ECTS
 189MMHisotry of Printing6 ECTS
 153MMLatin Paleography6 ECTS
 172MMLibrarianship6 ECTS
 148MMSpecial Archives 6 ECTS