Academic year 2023/2024

ITALIANISTICA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits


Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Activities chosen by students12 ECTS
1150LItalian Linguistics12 ECTS
1141LItalian Literature 12 ECTS
1333L Medieval and Renaissance Literature6 ECTS
Group DSFSA - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 167MMContemporary History6 ECTS
 171MMCultural anthropology6 ECTS
 465MMHistory of Medieval Philosophy6 ECTS
 1154LHistory of Music6 ECTS
 168MMHistory of Philosophy6 ECTS
 130MMMedieval history6 ECTS
 297MMModen History6 ECTS
 471LLRoman History - seminar6 ECTS
Group FL-CL 1 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 463MMArchival Science6 ECTS
 1422LClassical philology6 ECTS
 1144LComparative literatures6 ECTS
 1336LDante philology and criticism6 ECTS
 494LLDidactics of Italian Literature6 ECTS
 844LLDidactics of Latin6 ECTS
 1138LDigital Philology6 ECTS
 1318LEducational Linguistics6 ECTS
 005LLHermeneutics and rhetoric6 ECTS
 1153LHistory of Italian language6 ECTS
 1316LItalian Literature - seminar A6 ECTS
 496LLItalian Philology6 ECTS
 507LLItalian Theater Literature6 ECTS
 464MMLatin paleography6 ECTS
 498LLMedieval and Humanistic Philology6 ECTS
 1194LMedieval Latin Literature6 ECTS
 690MMPhilosophy and literature6 ECTS
 1152LPoetics of Italian 9006 ECTS
 536LLRomance Philology6 ECTS
 1155LTheory and forms of Italian contemporay narrative6 ECTS
 1087LTheory of the literature6 ECTS
 1156LTypology of the Literary Text6 ECTS
Group LIN-LETT - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
  English Language9 ECTS
 1139LEnglish literature9 ECTS
  French Language 9 ECTS
  French literature9 ECTS
 1148LGerman Language 9 ECTS
  German literature9 ECTS
 1335LPolish Language9 ECTS
 1334LPolish Literature9 ECTS
 1145LPortuguese language9 ECTS
 1064LPortuguese literature9 ECTS
 1146LRomanian language9 ECTS
 1065LRomanian literature9 ECTS
 1147LRussian Language9 ECTS
 1066LRussian literature9 ECTS
  Spanish Language9 ECTS
  Spanish literature9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1140LContemporary Italian Literature12 ECTS
1298ZFinal dissertation21 ECTS
1414LResearch Tools and Methodology6 ECTS
Group FIL-IT - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1336LDante philology and criticism6 ECTS
 496LLItalian Philology6 ECTS
Group FL-CL 2 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 463MMArchival Science6 ECTS
 1422LClassical philology6 ECTS
 1144LComparative literatures6 ECTS
 1336LDante philology and criticism6 ECTS
 494LLDidactics of Italian Literature6 ECTS
 844LLDidactics of Latin6 ECTS
 1138LDigital Philology6 ECTS
 1318LEducational Linguistics6 ECTS
 005LLHermeneutics and rhetoric6 ECTS
 1086LHistory and technics of literary critics6 ECTS
 1153LHistory of Italian language6 ECTS
 1316LItalian Literature - seminar A6 ECTS
 496LLItalian Philology6 ECTS
 507LLItalian Theater Literature6 ECTS
 464MMLatin paleography6 ECTS
 498LLMedieval and Humanistic Philology6 ECTS
 1194LMedieval Latin Literature6 ECTS
 690MMPhilosophy and literature6 ECTS
 1152LPoetics of Italian 9006 ECTS
 536LLRomance Philology6 ECTS
 1155LTheory and forms of Italian contemporay narrative6 ECTS
 1087LTheory of the literature6 ECTS
 1156LTypology of the Literary Text6 ECTS