Academic year 2020/2021


Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track Piano di studio - CLASSE L-20

Year 1 (2020/2021)
382LLHistory of contemporary art6 ECTS
376LLHistory of modern art6 ECTS
Group LET - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 624LLContemporary and modern italian literature12 ECTS
 576LLContemporary italian literature12 ECTS
Group LI - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 284LLEnglish language A6 ECTS
 295LLEnglish language B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish language C6 ECTS
Group SPP - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 422MMCommunication psychology12 ECTS
 550MMGeneral and social pedagogy12 ECTS
 293MMPedagogy12 ECTS
 113MMPsychology12 ECTS
Group STO - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 291MMCommunication forms and models in contemporary age12 ECTS
 079MMContemporary history12 ECTS
Year 2 (2021/2022)
Group FI - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 287MMCommunication Epistemology6 ECTS
 288MMCommunication ethics6 ECTS
 450MMEthics of advertising6 ECTS
 337MMLogic6 ECTS
 136QQPhilosophy of Politics6 ECTS
 419MMPublic ethics of Communication6 ECTS
Group FIL - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 096MMAesthetics12 ECTS
 330MMAesthetics6 ECTS
 289MMCommunication philosophy12 ECTS
 452MMCommunication philosophy6 ECTS
 273MMHistory of Aesthetics6 ECTS
 408MMHistory of Aesthetics12 ECTS
 210MMPhilosophy of Language12 ECTS
 423MMSemiotics12 ECTS
Group LIN - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 254LLFrench language A6 ECTS
 283LLFrench language B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench language C6 ECTS
 296LLGerman language A6 ECTS
 297LLGerman language B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman language C6 ECTS
 210ZWSpanish Language A6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish Language B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish language C6 ECTS
Group MUS2 - Choice of 36 ECTS from:
 573LLFilm and arts12 ECTS
 707LLFilm and arts6 ECTS
 1029LFilm Music6 ECTS
 571LLHarmony and counterpoint6 ECTS
 834LLHistory and criticism of cinema: film analysis6 ECTS
 585LLHistory and film criticim12 ECTS
 835LLHistory and film criticim6 ECTS
 579LLHistory of old theatre12 ECTS
 699LLHistory of theatre and of show12 ECTS
 580LLHistory of theatre and of show6 ECTS
 719LLItalian Cinema History 6 ECTS
 582LLMusic history 12 ECTS
 705LLTV, radio and electronic arts history (optional)12 ECTS
Year 3 (2022/2023)
 Activities chosen by students12 ECTS
348ZWFinal test6 ECTS
Group AFFINI L-20 - Choice of 30 ECTS from:
 167NNAdministrative law6 ECTS
 304NNAdministrative law12 ECTS
 420PPApplied economy12 ECTS
 316PPBusiness administration12 ECTS
 1191Lcinema European legislation6 ECTS
 148QQCommunication and promotion of cultural events6 ECTS
 325MMCommunication Anthropology12 ECTS
 618MMCommunication Antropology6 ECTS
 326MMCommunication Didactics6 ECTS
 418MMCommunication Epistemology12 ECTS
 451MMCommunication ethics12 ECTS
 305NNCommunication law12 ECTS
 145QQCommunication Sociology12 ECTS
 322MMCommunication theory12 ECTS
 786LLComparative harmony and listening education 6 ECTS
 1190LCostume for the scene6 ECTS
 505AAData base and information Technology systems12 ECTS
 1272LDramatizad narration6 ECTS
 422PPEconomy and Business Management12 ECTS
 172QQGeneral Sociology12 ECTS
 374MMGeography of communication6 ECTS
 408MMHistory of Aesthetics12 ECTS
 629MMHistory of communication techniques12 ECTS
 160PPHistory of economic thought12 ECTS
 194PPHistory of economic thought6 ECTS
 424MMHistory of ideas and of communication12 ECTS
 106MMHistory of philosophy12 ECTS
 1234LHistory of photography6 ECTS
 244MMHistory of scientific thought12 ECTS
 795IIInformatics for the Humanities6 ECTS
 325PPInformation economy6 ECTS
 421PPInformation economy12 ECTS
 605AAInformation technology and the humanities12 ECTS
 287LLItalian linguistics12 ECTS
 149QQJournalistic communication6 ECTS
 226MMLogic12 ECTS
 553MMMedia ethics6 ECTS
 220MMMoral philosophy12 ECTS
 833LLmuseum communication6 ECTS
 832LLMusic bibliography6 ECTS
 736LLOrganization and legislation of theater and film shows6 ECTS
 787LLOrganization of cultural events6 ECTS
 136QQPhilosophy of Politics6 ECTS
 170QQPhilosophy of Politics12 ECTS
 1232LPicture analysis6 ECTS
 016QQPolitical Comunication6 ECTS
 314PPPolitical economy12 ECTS
 146QQPolitical theory12 ECTS
 150QQPolitical theory6 ECTS
 278QQPolitics Communication12 ECTS
 419MMPublic ethics of Communication6 ECTS
 420MMPublic ethics of Communication12 ECTS
 144QQSociology of communication and cultural process12 ECTS
 016MMTheoretical philosophy6 ECTS
 320MMTheoretical philosophy12 ECTS
 171QQThe web: communication language and strategy 6 ECTS
 735LLVideo Filming Techniques6 ECTS
 630MMvideo journalism6 ECTS
 714LLVideo montage6 ECTS
 715LLVideo montage (optional)6 ECTS
 073QQVisual Sociology6 ECTS
 502AAWeb sites planning6 ECTS
 606AAWeb sites planning12 ECTS
Group AIS - L-20 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 456ZWFurther Information Technology ability6 ECTS
 415ZWInformation Technology ability6 ECTS
 349ZWStage6 ECTS

Track Piano di studio - CLASSE L-3

Year 1 (2020/2021)
382LLHistory of contemporary art6 ECTS
376LLHistory of modern art6 ECTS
Group LET - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 624LLContemporary and modern italian literature12 ECTS
 576LLContemporary italian literature12 ECTS
Group LI - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 284LLEnglish language A6 ECTS
 295LLEnglish language B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish language C6 ECTS
Group SPP - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 422MMCommunication psychology12 ECTS
 550MMGeneral and social pedagogy12 ECTS
 293MMPedagogy12 ECTS
 113MMPsychology12 ECTS
Group STO - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 291MMCommunication forms and models in contemporary age12 ECTS
 079MMContemporary history12 ECTS
Year 2 (2021/2022)
Group FI - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 287MMCommunication Epistemology6 ECTS
 288MMCommunication ethics6 ECTS
 450MMEthics of advertising6 ECTS
 337MMLogic6 ECTS
 136QQPhilosophy of Politics6 ECTS
 419MMPublic ethics of Communication6 ECTS
Group FIL - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 096MMAesthetics12 ECTS
 330MMAesthetics6 ECTS
 289MMCommunication philosophy12 ECTS
 452MMCommunication philosophy6 ECTS
 273MMHistory of Aesthetics6 ECTS
 408MMHistory of Aesthetics12 ECTS
 210MMPhilosophy of Language12 ECTS
 423MMSemiotics12 ECTS
Group LIN - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 254LLFrench language A6 ECTS
 283LLFrench language B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench language C6 ECTS
 296LLGerman language A6 ECTS
 297LLGerman language B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman language C6 ECTS
 210ZWSpanish Language A6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish Language B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish language C6 ECTS
Group MUS - Choice of 36 ECTS from:
 573LLFilm and arts12 ECTS
 707LLFilm and arts6 ECTS
 1029LFilm Music6 ECTS
 571LLHarmony and counterpoint6 ECTS
 834LLHistory and criticism of cinema: film analysis6 ECTS
 585LLHistory and film criticim12 ECTS
 835LLHistory and film criticim6 ECTS
 734LLHistory of old Theater6 ECTS
 579LLHistory of old theatre12 ECTS
 699LLHistory of theatre and of show12 ECTS
 580LLHistory of theatre and of show6 ECTS
 719LLItalian Cinema History 6 ECTS
 572LLMusical theory (optional)6 ECTS
 582LLMusic history 12 ECTS
 705LLTV, radio and electronic arts history (optional)12 ECTS
Year 3 (2022/2023)
 Activities chosen by students12 ECTS
348ZWFinal test6 ECTS
Group AFFINI L-3 - Choice of 30 ECTS from:
 586LLActor theory6 ECTS
 1191Lcinema European legislation6 ECTS
 148QQCommunication and promotion of cultural events6 ECTS
 325MMCommunication Anthropology12 ECTS
 618MMCommunication Antropology6 ECTS
 326MMCommunication Didactics6 ECTS
 418MMCommunication Epistemology12 ECTS
 145QQCommunication Sociology12 ECTS
 322MMCommunication theory12 ECTS
 786LLComparative harmony and listening education 6 ECTS
 624LLContemporary and modern italian literature12 ECTS
 737LLContemporary pop music6 ECTS
 1190LCostume for the scene6 ECTS
 505AAData base and information Technology systems12 ECTS
 703LLDrama history6 ECTS
 1272LDramatizad narration6 ECTS
 794LLDramaturgy6 ECTS
 574LLEnglish literature: training in critical writing12 ECTS
 573LLFilm and arts12 ECTS
 707LLFilm and arts6 ECTS
 1236LFilm and audiovisual teaching6 ECTS
 1029LFilm Music6 ECTS
 374MMGeography of communication6 ECTS
 571LLHarmony and counterpoint6 ECTS
 834LLHistory and criticism of cinema: film analysis6 ECTS
 835LLHistory and film criticim6 ECTS
 629MMHistory of communication techniques12 ECTS
 382LLHistory of contemporary art6 ECTS
 581LLHistory of critics and literary historiography 12 ECTS
 194PPHistory of economic thought6 ECTS
 378LLHistory of medieval art6 ECTS
 376LLHistory of modern art6 ECTS
 734LLHistory of old Theater6 ECTS
 579LLHistory of old theatre12 ECTS
 106MMHistory of philosophy12 ECTS
 1234LHistory of photography6 ECTS
 701LLHistory of scenography12 ECTS
 584LLHistory of scenography6 ECTS
 244MMHistory of scientific thought12 ECTS
 699LLHistory of theatre and of show12 ECTS
 580LLHistory of theatre and of show6 ECTS
 795IIInformatics for the Humanities6 ECTS
 605AAInformation technology and the humanities12 ECTS
 719LLItalian Cinema History 6 ECTS
 287LLItalian linguistics12 ECTS
 575LLItalian literature12 ECTS
 702LLItalian theater literature6 ECTS
 149QQJournalistic communication6 ECTS
 199LLLiterature theory12 ECTS
 328MMModern history6 ECTS
 957LLModern history6 ECTS
 833LLmuseum communication6 ECTS
 711LLMusical critics6 ECTS
 954LLMusical IT6 ECTS
 773LLMusical Sociology6 ECTS
 572LLMusical theory (optional)6 ECTS
 832LLMusic bibliography6 ECTS
 582LLMusic history 12 ECTS
 736LLOrganization and legislation of theater and film shows6 ECTS
 787LLOrganization of cultural events6 ECTS
 577LLOrganization of film shows6 ECTS
 700LLOrganization of theater and film shows12 ECTS
 1028LOrganization of theater shows6 ECTS
 1232LPicture analysis6 ECTS
 704LLPoetry forms for music6 ECTS
 196MMPolitical and Institutional History of Medieval Age 6 ECTS
 016QQPolitical Comunication6 ECTS
 150QQPolitical theory6 ECTS
 278QQPolitics Communication12 ECTS
 578LLScreenplay6 ECTS
 144QQSociology of communication and cultural process12 ECTS
 738LLTheater and the arts6 ECTS
 958LLTheather and drama in the antiquity6 ECTS
 1235LTheatre and entertainment teaching6 ECTS
 1233LThe costume and fashion in the arts and entertainment6 ECTS
 171QQThe web: communication language and strategy 6 ECTS
 705LLTV, radio and electronic arts history (optional)12 ECTS
 292MMUrban and regional geography6 ECTS
 735LLVideo Filming Techniques6 ECTS
 630MMvideo journalism6 ECTS
 714LLVideo montage6 ECTS
 715LLVideo montage (optional)6 ECTS
 073QQVisual Sociology6 ECTS
 502AAWeb sites planning6 ECTS
Group AIS - L-3 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 415ZWInformation Technology ability6 ECTS
 349ZWStage6 ECTS