Academic year 2023/2024


Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Piano di Studi di Scienze del Servizio sociale

Year 1 (2023/2024)
192QQCompared Welfare Systems6 ECTS
190QQFundamentals of social work6 ECTS
310NNPrivate Law for social services6 ECTS
311NNPublic Law 6 ECTS
370QQSociology and sociological theory 12 ECTS
1239ZTrainingship in social work3 ECTS
Group Attività a libera scelta dello studente - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 236QQEmergency And Urgency Social Work3 ECTS
  Gender culture and society6 ECTS
 374QQInternational Social Work: foundations, processes, perspectives and trends3 ECTS
 188QQLaboratory B: Qualitative research methods for social work3 ECTS
 373QQMethodology of social research for social work6 ECTS
 235QQRelational skills for social workers3 ECTS
  Social Work, Criminal Justice and probation3 ECTS
 231QQSociology of Religion6 ECTS
  Sociology Of Social Change6 ECTS
 073QQVisual Sociology6 ECTS
Group Competenze linguistiche - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 111LLEnglish Language6 ECTS
 110LLFrench Language6 ECTS
 1234ZSpanish for political and social sciences 6 ECTS
Group Discipline di area storica, politica, demoetnoantropologica - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 439MMContemporary social history9 ECTS
 434MMCultural Anthropology 9 ECTS
 371QQHistory of Political and Social Thought9 ECTS
 187QQPolitical philosophy9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
 Economics6 ECTS
189QQMetodhs and techniques of social service9 ECTS
191QQPolitical Science6 ECTS
 Social Psychology9 ECTS
 Social psychology of adolescence6 ECTS
049QQSocial work in public institutions6 ECTS
 Statistics and demoghaphics12 ECTS
Group Attività a libera scelta dello studente - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 236QQEmergency And Urgency Social Work3 ECTS
  Gender culture and society6 ECTS
 374QQInternational Social Work: foundations, processes, perspectives and trends3 ECTS
 188QQLaboratory B: Qualitative research methods for social work3 ECTS
 373QQMethodology of social research for social work6 ECTS
 235QQRelational skills for social workers3 ECTS
  Social Work, Criminal Justice and probation3 ECTS
 231QQSociology of Religion6 ECTS
  Sociology Of Social Change6 ECTS
 073QQVisual Sociology6 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
312NNConstitutional system and fundamental human rights6 ECTS
139ZWFinale examination6 ECTS
 IT Management and Data Analysis IT Management and Data Analysis IT Management and Data Analysis 3 ECTS
 Political psychology6 ECTS
 Sociology of education and socialization6 ECTS
065QQSociology of family6 ECTS
1238ZSociology of social control and deviance6 ECTS
1240ZTrainingship in social work15 ECTS
Group Discipline mediche - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 038FFHygiene6 ECTS
  Social psychiatry6 ECTS