Academic year 2023/2024


Course structure diagram w/credits


Year 1 (2023/2024)
Group IST - Istituzioni di Filosofia. - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 174MMAesthetics12 ECTS
 562MMAesthetics and hermeneutics6 ECTS
 348MMApplied Ethics12 ECTS
 673MMApplied ethics II12 ECTS
 409MMApplied Ethics (seminar)6 ECTS
 200MMbioethics12 ECTS
 201MMbioethics6 ECTS
  Bioethics II6 ECTS
 208MMeconomics and ethics12 ECTS
 209MMeconomics and ethics6 ECTS
 593MMepistemology6 ECTS
 347MMEpistemology12 ECTS
 202MMepistemology of the social sciences12 ECTS
 203MMepistemology of the social sciences6 ECTS
 413MMEpistemology (seminar)6 ECTS
 410MMEthics and Politics12 ECTS
  Ethics and Politics (seminar)6 ECTS
 224MMgnoseology12 ECTS
 225MMgnoseology6 ECTS
 272MMhistory of aesthetics12 ECTS
 273MMhistory of aesthetics6 ECTS
 267MMhistory of logic12 ECTS
 268MMhistory of logic6 ECTS
 226MMlogic12 ECTS
 227MMlogic6 ECTS
 594MMMedia ethics6 ECTS
 691MMMedia ethics II6 ECTS
 228MMmethodology of the social sciences12 ECTS
 229MMmethodology of the social sciences6 ECTS
 220MMmoral philosophy12 ECTS
 221MMmoral philosophy6 ECTS
 600MMMoral Philosophy12 ECTS
 474MMPhenomenology and hermeneutics12 ECTS
 475MMPhenomenology and hermeneutics6 ECTS
 198MMPhilosophical anthropology12 ECTS
 199MMPhilosophical anthropology6 ECTS
 204MMPhilosophical hermeneutics12 ECTS
 205MMPhilosophical hermeneutics6 ECTS
 598MMPhilosophy and neuroscience6 ECTS
 694MMPhilosophy and neuroscience12 ECTS
 599MMPhilosophy and neuroscience II6 ECTS
 561MMPhilosophy of art6 ECTS
 597MMPhilosophy of art12 ECTS
 214MMphilosophy of history12 ECTS
 215MMphilosophy of history6 ECTS
 210MMphilosophy of language12 ECTS
 211MMphilosophy of language6 ECTS
  Philosophy of Language II6 ECTS
 476MMphilosophy of mathematics6 ECTS
 216MMphilosophy of religion12 ECTS
 217MMphilosophy of religion6 ECTS
 212MMphilosophy of science12 ECTS
 213MMphilosophy of science6 ECTS
 596MMphilosophy of science6 ECTS
 674MMPhilosophy of the mind6 ECTS
 670MMPhilosophy of the mind 12 ECTS
 412MMPractical Philosophy12 ECTS
 601MMPractical Philosophy II6 ECTS
 411MMPractical Philosophy (seminar)6 ECTS
 676MMSocial ontology6 ECTS
 675MMSocial ontology 12 ECTS
  the ethcis of communication6 ECTS
 206MMthe ethics of communication12 ECTS
 222MMTheoretics12 ECTS
 223MMTheoretics6 ECTS
Group SCI Storia delle scienze. - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 779AAElementary mathematics from a higher point of view12 ECTS
 780AAElementary mathematics from a higher point of view6 ECTS
 239MMgeneral psychology6 ECTS
 238MMGeneral psychology12 ECTS
 610MMHistory and Methods of Psychology6 ECTS
 350MMHistory and methods of psychology (seminar)6 ECTS
 245MMhistory of ancient and medieval scientific thought12 ECTS
 246MMhistory of ancient and medieval scientific thought6 ECTS
  history of ancient and medieval scientific thought II (s)6 ECTS
 629AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 565MMHistory of anthropological thought6 ECTS
 423PPHistory of economic theories6 ECTS
 190PPhistory of economic thought12 ECTS
 194PPhistory of economic thought6 ECTS
 580PPHistory of Economic Thought II12 ECTS
 337PPHistory of italian economical thought (seminar)6 ECTS
 628AAHistory of mathematics6 ECTS
 606MMHistory of medicine6 ECTS
 607MMHistory of medicine12 ECTS
 269MMhistory of pedagogy12 ECTS
 270MMhistory of pedagogy6 ECTS
 385MMHistory of Science12 ECTS
 608MMHistory of Science II12 ECTS
  History of Science (seminar)6 ECTS
 244MMhistory of scientific thought12 ECTS
 247MMhistory of scientific thought6 ECTS
 465AAMathematical methods6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 484AATechnics of digital filology6 ECTS
Group STO - Storia della filosofia. - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 557MMDidactics of philosophy6 ECTS
 250MMhistory of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 336MMhistory of ancient philosophy12 ECTS
 483MMHistory of ancient political thought12 ECTS
 484MMHistory of ancient political thought6 ECTS
 251MMhistory of Arabian medieval philosophy12 ECTS
 252MMhistory of Arabian medieval philsophy6 ECTS
 563MMHistory of classical political thought6 ECTS
 662MMHistory of classical political thought II 6 ECTS
 253MMhistory of contemporary philosophy12 ECTS
 254MMhistory of contemporary philosophy6 ECTS
 564MMHistory of Hellenistic philosophies6 ECTS
 644MMHistory of Hellenistic philosophy 6 ECTS
 663MMHistory of Hellenistic philosophy II6 ECTS
 704MMHistory of Late Ancient Philosophy II6 ECTS
 705MMHistory of Late Ancient Philosophy II12 ECTS
 692MMHistory of Medieval Arab Philosophy II6 ECTS
 693MMHistory of Medieval Arab Philosophy II12 ECTS
 184MMhistory of medieval philosophy12 ECTS
 260MMhistory of medieval philosophy6 ECTS
 261MMhistory of modern philosophy12 ECTS
 264MMhistory of modrn philosophy6 ECTS
  history of philosophy6 ECTS
 248MMhistory of philosophy12 ECTS
 258MMhistory of philosophy in the Renaissance6 ECTS
 259MMhistory of political philosophy6 ECTS
 265MMhistory of political philosophy12 ECTS
 604MMHistory of Political Philosophy II12 ECTS
 605MMHistory of Political Philosophy II6 ECTS
 243MMHistory of political thought6 ECTS
 262MMhistory of the late ancient philosophy12 ECTS
 266MMhistory of the late ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 230MMmethodologies of philosophical investigation12 ECTS
 231MMmethodologies of philosophical investigation6 ECTS
 477MMPhilosophies and theologies medieval12 ECTS
 478MMPhilosophies and theologies medieval6 ECTS
 690MMPhilosophy and literature6 ECTS
 218MMphilosophy and science in the ancient world12 ECTS
 219MMphilosophy and science in the ancient world6 ECTS
 255MMthe history of philosophy from Renaissance to Enlightment12 ECTS
 256MMthe history of philosophy from Renaissance to Enlightment6 ECTS
 257MMthe history of philosophy in the Renaissance12 ECTS
 276MMtheory and history of philosophical historiography12 ECTS
 274MMtheory and history of philosophical systems12 ECTS
 275MMtheory and history of philosophical systems6 ECTS
 277MMtheory and history of philsophical historiography6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
 a course chosen by students12 ECTS
246ZWfinal test23 ECTS
247ZWsemianar on how to write a disseration1 ECTS
Group Affini o integrative - Choice of 36 ECTS from:
 591MMAnthropology of knowledge6 ECTS
 079MMcontemporary history12 ECTS
 167MMcontemporary history6 ECTS
 576LLContemporary Italian literature12 ECTS
 216QQCosmopolitan theory6 ECTS
 171MMcultural anthropology6 ECTS
 558MMDidactics of history6 ECTS
 626MMEconomic and social geography of the contemporary world6 ECTS
 195PPeconomic history12 ECTS
 196PPeconomic history6 ECTS
 232MMeducational theory12 ECTS
 233MMeducational theory6 ECTS
 295LLEnglish language laboratory B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish language laboratory C6 ECTS
 163LLEnglish literature12 ECTS
 161LLFrench literature12 ECTS
 132QQgeneral sociology6 ECTS
 274QQgeneral sociology II6 ECTS
 172LLGerman literature12 ECTS
 261LLGreek history12 ECTS
 285LLGreek literature12 ECTS
 609MMHistory of anthropology6 ECTS
 228QQHistory of Political doctrines 6 ECTS
 082MMhistory of religions6 ECTS
 271MMhistory of religions12 ECTS
 208LLInstitutions of Greek History6 ECTS
 253LLInstitutions of Roman history6 ECTS
 612MMIntersectional Gender Studies6 ECTS
 579MMIntroduction to Greek and Latin for students of Philosophy6 ECTS
 502LLItalian Literature12 ECTS
 178LLLatin literature12 ECTS
 199LLLiterature Theory12 ECTS
 130MMmedieval history6 ECTS
 084MMmedieval history I12 ECTS
 624LLModern and contemporary Italian literature12 ECTS
 170MMmodern history6 ECTS
 085MMmodern history I12 ECTS
 560MMPedagogy of differences6 ECTS
 602MMPedagogy of Differences II6 ECTS
 091NNphilosophy of law12 ECTS
 092NNphilosophy of law6 ECTS
 446NNphilosophy of law II6 ECTS
 269QQphilosophy of social science6 ECTS
 270QQphilosophy of social science12 ECTS
 511PPPolitical Economy6 ECTS
 128QQpolitical philosophy6 ECTS
 129QQpolitical philosophy6 ECTS
 226QQpolitical Sociology12 ECTS
 227QQpolitical Sociology6 ECTS
 275QQPolitical sociology II12 ECTS
 262LLRoman history12 ECTS
 271QQsocial philosophy6 ECTS
 272QQsocial philosophy12 ECTS
 481MMsocial psychology12 ECTS
 482MMsocial psychology6 ECTS
 130QQsociology of cultural and communicative processes12 ECTS
 131QQsociology of cultural and communicative processes6 ECTS
 273QQsociology of cultural and communicative processes II6 ECTS
 290QQSociology of the Imaginary6 ECTS
 171LLSpanish literature12 ECTS
  special pedagogy6 ECTS
 479MMspecial pedagogy12 ECTS