PeriodoSecondo semestre
The course will deliver a short history of the process of European integration and some basic elements on the institutions of the European Union. Students will learn about theories and current issues in Economic and Monetary Union, the European labour market and the European regional policies.
Written exams after the end of the course.
The student will be able to interpret the European economic trends.
Written exams after the end of the course.
Students should be familiar to basic concepts of microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Frontal lectures and seminars.
1. Historical overview of the economic and monetary integration process in Europe: from the end of World War II to the recent Brexit.
2. The EU budget, the Common Agriculture Policy.
3. The Monetary Union: optimal currency area, European Central Bank and the European Monetary policy.
4. Fiscal policy and Stability Pact.
5. The European labour market: labour mobility in Europe, labour protection and passive and active policies for labour.
6. European economic policy: Industrial policy for growth, policy for regional development and regulation policy and competition at the European level.
Baldiwin and Wyplosz, “The Economics of European Integration”, 5th edition.
Lectures notes and slides provided by the lecturers.
Written exam.