PeriodoPrimo semestre
Moduli | Settore/i | Tipo | Ore | Docente/i | |
The student who successfully completes the course will be aware of the principles of word formation in german language. They will be able to read, understand and reproduce word formations correctly. They also will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of main german syntax structures.
The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology. In the written exam (4 hours, 4 essay questions), the student must demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and to organise an effective and correctly written reply. The student must demonstrate the ability to put into practice and to execute, with critical awareness, the activities illustrated or carried out under the guidance of the teacher during the course.
- Final oral exam
- Final written exam
- Final laboratory practical demonstration
- Continuous assessment
- Periodic Quizzes/multiple choice
- Periodic written tests
- Laboratory report
E' necessario presentare certificazione linguistica di livello B1+ del QCER.
Per informazioni e delucidazioni rivolgersi a:
Ingrid Linhart
Tel.: 050.2215910
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
- attending lectures
- participation in seminar
- participation in discussions
- individual study
- Laboratory work
Attendance: Advised
Teaching methods:
- Lectures
- Seminar
- Task-based learning/problem-based learning/inquiry-based learning
Nel corso verranno ripresi in lingua argomenti di sintassi (costituenti di frase) e formazione di parola.
Verranno approfonditi fenomeni di coerenza e coesione testuale. La descrizione dei fenomeni avviene sulla base di testi autentici di varie tipologie e si fonda su modelli teorici indicati nella bibliografia.
1. Morfology and Word formation This course will present the principles of morfology and word formation in German language and will analyze its typical syntax forms. Modern approachs, based on the Textgrammatik of Harald Weinrich and further studies, will provide the students instruments for reading and producing texts in German in an efficient and correct way. Students will be encouraged to use with the principal instruments for text analisis; their analitical competences for autonomous studying will be enforced. 2. Determination process and synctactic clauses This module focuses on the concept of textual determination and their process analogies at phrase, word and clause level, in a contrastive perspective (DE-IT). Particual attention will payed to the structure of the complex syntactic clause.
Blühdorn, Hardarik / Foschi, Marina: Leseverstehen für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Pisa University Press 2012 (versione tedesca)
Hepp, Marianne: Wortbildung als Mittel der Textkonstitution. Pisa, Arnus University Books 2012
Hepp, Marianne / Malloggi, Patrizio: Grundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele der linguistischen Textanalyse. Pisa, Arnus University Books 2016 (cap. 3).
Blühdorn/Foschi, Leseverstehen für Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Pisa, Pisa University Press 2012. M.Hepp, Wortbildung als Mittel der Textkonstitution, Pisa, Arnus University Books, 2012.
I non frequentanti seguiranno le stesse modalità di accesso all'esame dei frequentanti.
L'esame consta di una prova scritta e di una prova orale. La prova scritta consta di domande teoriche sui contenuti dei moduli con esempi di applicazione delle teorie all'analisi del testo.
Il corso si svolgerà interamente nel primo semestre.
Inizio delle lezioni: lun. 26 settembre 17:45, aula Curini 2D.
Ricevimento del docente: merc. 10.00-11:00 (Dipartimento di FiLeLi, 3. piano, stanza 57)