PeriodoSecondo semestre
Moduli | Settore/i | Tipo | Ore | Docente/i | |
Il corso intende dare le basi matematiche della Statistica Inferenziale
The student who successfully completes the course will have the ability to understand the mathematical basis of Statistics. He will have a critical knowledge of the main theorems and results related to statistical concepts (test, estimators, confidence intervals and so on). He will also practice with some distribution functions of importance in Statistics. Worked exercises will help him to grasp the theory.
Esame orale
- During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughtfully and with propriety of expression.
- Final oral exam
Saper gestire le conoscenze acquisite a livello pratico
Esercizi svolti in classe
Il corso di" Probabilita'"
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
- attending lectures
- participation in seminar
- preparation of oral/written report
- participation in discussions
- individual study
- Laboratory work
Attendance: Advised
Teaching methods:
- Lectures
- Seminar
- laboratory
Teorema limite centrale per le stime di massima verosimiglianza. Variabili gaussiane e vettori gaussiani.
Modelli di regressione e modelli lineari. Il teorema di Gauss-Markov. Campioni gaussiani, Teorema di Cochran. Teoria dei test: La teoria di Neyman-Pearson. Test unilaterali e bilaterali.
Test del rapporto di verosimiglianza.Test sulla media di un campione Gaussiano,
test di Student, test sulla varianza di un campione Gaussiano.
Confronto tra due campioni indipendenti: il problema di Behrens -Fisher.
Introduzione ai metodi non parametrici: la funzione di ripartizione empirica,
il teorema di Glivenko-Cantelli. Il test del chi-quadro.
Test del chi-quadro per l'indipendenza. Elementi di statistica bayesiana
Statistical models, estimators, sufficient statistics, Neymann-Fisher Theorem, quadratic loss. Unbiased estimators Blackwell Rao Theorem, Exponential models, Fisher information and its properties, Cramer Rao bound, efficient estimators. Kullback information and its connection with Fisher information. Maximum likelihood estimators and their main asymptotic properties. Gaussian random vectors. Cochran Theorem. Linear models, Gauss-Markov Theorem, confidence regions, statistical tests, Anova, Behrens-Fisher problem, empirical distribution function, Glivenko-Cantelli Theorem, chi square test. Elements of bayesian statistics.
l corso si baserà principalmente su appunti (non ancora in forma definitiva), disponibili in rete all'indirizzo
Ottimi testi sono i seguenti: --P. Baldi (1997), Calcolo delle Probabilit\`{a} e Statistica, Mc-Graw Hill Italia, Milano --D. Dachuna-Castelle, M. Duflo (1986) Probability and Statistics, Springer, New York.Notes of the course will be available. Recommended reading includes: Dacunha-Castelle, D.; M. Duflo: Probability and Statistics I and II, Springer-Verlag Shao, J. : Mathematical Statistics, Springer Texts in Statistics Further bibliography will be indicated during the lectures if necessary.
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