Moduli | Settore/i | Tipo | Ore | Docente/i | |
fondamenti di fisica tecnica
thermotechnics and / or fluid dynamics
esame orale:tre esercizi allo studente: dopo la soluazioe degli esercizi domande sul programma
by oral exam (about 1.5 hour duration)
progetto termoidraulico dei reattori nucleari ad acqua
nuclear thermal-hydraulics technology
come verifica delle conoscenze
oral exam (see above)
risposte alle domande
knowlegde of nuclear technology
come da verifica di cui sopra
oral exam (see above)
fisica tecnica principalmente e/o fluidodinamica
thermotechnics and / or fuid dynamics
basi dell'ingegneria nuclare i neutroni e la fissione
NPP key feature, the neutrons and the fission reaction
dettagli delprogetto degli impianti nuclear e della sicurezza
NPP descriptions namely water cooled nuclear reactors
fisica tecnica ==> esame attuale
slides following the Program
Title: ‘Thermal-hydraulics in Nuclear Technology’
Professor: F. D’Auria
The program includes three key topics as listed below. Integration lectures and Seminars will be held in the areas of ‘CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)’, ‘Nuclear Fuel’ and ‘Boron-Dilution-Issue’.
1) THERMAL-HYDRAULICS AND NPP TECHNOLOGY. The following sub-topics are considered: a) NPP key components and design principles; b) PWR & BWR RCS thermal-hydraulic design; c) The Safety Technology of NPP: the DBC, the DEC-A and DEC-B; d) The criteria for ECCS design from 10 CFR 50.46. Meaning and content of ‘Nuclear Thermal-hydraulics (NTH)’ according to recent review of NTH books (6th recommended Journal Special Issue, below).
2) DESIGN OF NUCLEAR FUEL PIN. This includes the applications of the Fourier Equations and of the Fourier Law. The concepts of LHGR, MDNBR and MCHFR are introduced
3) MODELING IN NUCLEAR THERMAL-HYDRAULICS. The following sub-topics are considered: a) fundamentals including flow regimes, b) pressure drops, c) balance equations, d) multi-dimensional surface for HTC (the condensation, the CHF and the reflood), e) structure of a system thermal-hydraulic code for design & transient analysis of NPP performance, f) constitutive/closure equations, g) (verification) and validation (V & V) for SYS TH codes, h) scaling and uncertainty issues, i) the BEPU approach.
4) IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THERMAL-HYDRAULIC PHENOMENA IN LWR. IT and SET phenomena are distinguished. Reference made to OECD/NEA/CSNI CCVM and to IAEA SRS 23. The boiling channel. The blow-down and the TPCF. The CCFL. The containment pressurization following LOCA
5) NATURAL CIRCULATION. NC constitutes a key IT phenomenon relevant for design and safety of NPP. Application to recent reactor technological aspects will be considered: RCS, Containment and ECCS design, SMR design. Instability in fluid-dynamics and in two-phase conditions (DWO). Reliability of NC and of passive systems.
6) THERMAL-HYDRAULIC ASPECTS OF KEY ACCIDENTS IN NPP TECHNOLOGY: Three Mile Island – 2 (PWR, 1979), Chernobyl – 4 (RBMK, 1986), La Salle & Oskarshamn (BWR, 1988 & 1999), Fukushima 1-4 (2011).
- Lahey-Moody “Thermal-Hydraulics of a Boiling Water Reactor” – ANS 2nd – 1993
- Todreas-Kazimi “Nuclear Systems, I & II” – CRC (Taylor & Francis Group), 2nd – 2011
- D’Auria F. (Editor) “Thermal-hydraulics in Water Cooled Nuclear Reactors”– Elsevier – 2017
- IAEA, SRS 23 Accident Analysis (available from web) – 2002
- IAEA, SRS 52 Uncertainty Analysis (available from web) – 2008
- Elsevier Journal ‘Nuclear Engineering and Design’ (J NED), Special Issue n. 354 (December, Ed. F. D’Auria, available from web) – 2019
- OECD/NEA/CSNI, A state of the art report on scaling in system thermal-hydraulics applications to nuclear reactor safety and design (Ed. F. D’Auria available from web) – 2017
Title: ‘Thermal-hydraulics in Nuclear Technology’
Professor: F. D’Auria
The program includes three key topics as listed below. Integration lectures and Seminars will be held in the areas of ‘CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)’, ‘Nuclear Fuel’ and ‘Boron-Dilution-Issue’.
1) THERMAL-HYDRAULICS AND NPP TECHNOLOGY. The following sub-topics are considered: a) NPP key components and design principles; b) PWR & BWR RCS thermal-hydraulic design; c) The Safety Technology of NPP: the DBC, the DEC-A and DEC-B; d) The criteria for ECCS design from 10 CFR 50.46. Meaning and content of ‘Nuclear Thermal-hydraulics (NTH)’ according to recent review of NTH books (6th recommended Journal Special Issue, below).
2) DESIGN OF NUCLEAR FUEL PIN. This includes the applications of the Fourier Equations and of the Fourier Law. The concepts of LHGR, MDNBR and MCHFR are introduced
3) MODELING IN NUCLEAR THERMAL-HYDRAULICS. The following sub-topics are considered: a) fundamentals including flow regimes, b) pressure drops, c) balance equations, d) multi-dimensional surface for HTC (the condensation, the CHF and the reflood), e) structure of a system thermal-hydraulic code for design & transient analysis of NPP performance, f) constitutive/closure equations, g) (verification) and validation (V & V) for SYS TH codes, h) scaling and uncertainty issues, i) the BEPU approach.
4) IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THERMAL-HYDRAULIC PHENOMENA IN LWR. IT and SET phenomena are distinguished. Reference made to OECD/NEA/CSNI CCVM and to IAEA SRS 23. The boiling channel. The blow-down and the TPCF. The CCFL. The containment pressurization following LOCA
5) NATURAL CIRCULATION. NC constitutes a key IT phenomenon relevant for design and safety of NPP. Application to recent reactor technological aspects will be considered: RCS, Containment and ECCS design, SMR design. Instability in fluid-dynamics and in two-phase conditions (DWO). Reliability of NC and of passive systems.
6) THERMAL-HYDRAULIC ASPECTS OF KEY ACCIDENTS IN NPP TECHNOLOGY: Three Mile Island – 2 (PWR, 1979), Chernobyl – 4 (RBMK, 1986), La Salle & Oskarshamn (BWR, 1988 & 1999), Fukushima 1-4 (2011).
- Lahey-Moody “Thermal-Hydraulics of a Boiling Water Reactor” – ANS 2nd – 1993
- Todreas-Kazimi “Nuclear Systems, I & II” – CRC (Taylor & Francis Group), 2nd – 2011
- D’Auria F. (Editor) “Thermal-hydraulics in Water Cooled Nuclear Reactors”– Elsevier – 2017
- IAEA, SRS 23 Accident Analysis (available from web) – 2002
- IAEA, SRS 52 Uncertainty Analysis (available from web) – 2008
- Elsevier Journal ‘Nuclear Engineering and Design’ (J NED), Special Issue n. 354 (December, Ed. F. D’Auria, available from web) – 2019
- OECD/NEA/CSNI, A state of the art report on scaling in system thermal-hydraulics applications to nuclear reactor safety and design (Ed. F. D’Auria available from web) – 2017
vdi casella sopra
see above
è suggerto frequentare - i on frequentati dovrebbero interloquire cn il docente
students are suggested to attend and to follow web-given lectures
indicata sopra
oral exams see above
non indispensabile
no work placement
vedais programma del corso
see the bottom of the syllabus
è suggerito freqentare
no special note