PeriodoPrimo semestre
Membrane components and structure: general presentation. Lipid membrane domains in the brain. Myelin formation and structure. General descripiton of membrane trasnsport; presentation of the main glucose transporters in brain. The signal transduction mechanism: classification, signaling mediated by G proteins. Signaling mediated by tyrosine kinase receptors Neurotrophyn and neuroglobulins. Synthesis of neurotransmitters and regulation. Purine and pyrimidine metabolism. Nucleotide metabolism in brain. Purinergic receptors.
Human connectoma and human brian projects Drugs acting on Sympathetic and Parasympathetic system. Drugs acting on Cholinergic and noradrenergic receptors. Pharmacodynamics. G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Drug affinity, potency and efficacy. Tolerance, withdrawal syndrome and addiction. Pharrmacokinetic: drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. Drug-drug
interactions in Neuropharmacology. Antidepressants: I, II and III generation. Anxiolytic drugs: benzodiazepines. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM). Liithium salts. Neurodegenerative diseases. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Neurobiology of Addiction: role of the dopaminergic
system and beyond. Drugs of abuse.
The assesment will be done through discussion both during the lessons and in the occasion of the final exam.
The student will be able to understand the molecular bases of signal transduction, its regulation and its alteration in pathology conditions.
The assesment will be done through discussion both during the lessons and in the occasion of the final exam.
The student will acquire a familiarity with the very complex metabolic and regulatory pathways contemporaneusly playing their respective role in the determination of cell function.
The assesment will be done through discussion both during the lessons and in the occasion of the final exam
The students need to know the basic concepts in biochemistry, physiology and organic chemistry.
Membrane structure. Membrane trasnsport. The signal transduction mechanism: classification and its implication in pathologies Neurotrophyn and neuroglobulins. Synthesis of neurotransmitters and regulation. Purine and pyrimidine metabolism. Nucleotide metabolism in brain. Purinergic receptors.
Pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics. Antidepressants. Mood Stabilizers. Antipsychotics. Drugs in Neurodegenerative disorders. Drug addiction.
All the presentations and papers will be loaded on e-learning platform
recomended books
Goodman--Gillman: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Clementi--Fumagallii: Farrmacologia
generale e molecolare Annunziato--Di Rienzo: Trattato di Farmacologia Nelson and Cox II Principi di
Biiochimica di Lehninger
All the didactic materials are available in e-learning in the Biology department site. The teachers are available by appointment.
During the final exam the student will be asked to discuss about 3-4 different arguments in the presence of both biochemistry and pharmacology teachers.