PeriodoSecondo semestre
Conoscenze manualistiche sull'arte moderna
Textbook knowledge of modern art
Students will learn how to critically assess picture and sculpture work of the early modern and Baroque period at face value.
The assessment of knowledge will be guaranteed by regular discussions with students during the course.
Capacità di orizzontarsi tra i diversi stili artistici
Ability to horizontalize between different artistic styles
By the end of the course students are expected to be able to talk about a piece of picture, sculpture or decorative arts using the appropriate technical language, identify the subject and media, offer a dating and attribution.
The assessment of skills will be guaranteed by regular discussions with students during the course.
Attenzione e partecipazione durante le lezioni
Attention and participation during class
At the end of the course, the student will be aware of the complexity of the historical motives that lead to the creation of an image.
The assessment of behaviours will be guaranteed by regular moments of discussion with the students during the lessons.
Conoscenza dello sviluppo dell'arte italiana moderna
Knowledge of the development of italian modern art
It is desirable that the student has the basic information relating to the process of historical evolution that concerns Europe between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Analisi stilistica e iconografica
Stylistic and iconographic analysis
Delivery: frontal
Attendance: mandatory
Visite guidate
Guided tours
The course will take place within some museums, which will be indicated later.
A. Capitanio, "Arti tessili", in Tecniche dell'arte, a cura di S. Baroni e M. Mander, Milano, Mursia, 2021, vol. 2, pp. 377-442.
Capitanio, "Arti orafe", in Tecniche dell'arte, a cura di S. Baroni e M. Mander, Mursia, Milano, 2021, vol. 2, pp. 199-238.
Other Bibliographic information will be provided during the course.
La frequenza è obbligatoria
Attendance is required
Attendance is mandatory.
Sintetica relazione scritta su un'opera o un artista trattati durante le visite guidate
Concise written report on a work of art or artist coveref in the guided tours
Assessement methods: oral report.
IMPORTANTE: la prima lezione (docente Alberto Ambrosini) si svolgerà martedì 12 marzo 2024 (Aula Guidotti G 2, ore 16.00-17.30)
Commissione d'esame:
Presidente: Vicenzo Farinella
Componenti: Antonella Capitanio, Alberto Ambrosini
Commissione supplente:
Presidente: Alberto Ambrosini
Componenti: Cinzia Sicca, Alessandro Tosi
The starting date will be made known nearer the time together with the place in which the first lecture will take place.
- Final Exams Commission
President: Vincenzo Farinella
Members: Antonella Capitanio, Alberto Ambrosini
- Substitutes
President: Alberto Ambrosini
Members: Cinzia Sicca, Alessandro Tosi