PeriodoPrimo semestre
Moduli | Settore/i | Tipo | Ore | Docente/i | |
The module provides students with advanced knowledge in the field of public economics.
Upon completion of the module students should:
• understand both the positive and normative aspects of taxation and public expenditure policies;
• have obtained a good understanding of second-best analysis;
• have sufficient familiarity with the literature to identify open questions for own research.
The written take-home exam will test students' knowledge and critical understanding of the material covered in the module.
The module provide students with analytical skills in the field of public economics.
Upon completion of the module students should:
• be able to apply knowledge of public economics to practical problems;
• solve problems in public economics.
The written take-home exam will test students' analytical and problem-solving skills.
A combination of lectures, workshops and guided reading will contribute to achieving the learning outcomes.
Optimal taxation of commodities, labour income, capital income and 'sin goods' (health economics).
Optimal corrective taxation (externality problems): first and second best; fuel and vehicle taxation.
Political economy and public choice.
Public goods provision: first and second best optimality; private provision.
Policy under 'non-standard' preferences ('warm glow', Kantian morality).
Tax evasion.
Tax reforms.
Primary reference
• Myles, Gareth D. (1995), Public Economics, Cambridge University Press.
• Journal articles.
Other references
• Atkinson, A.B. and J.E. Stiglitz (1980), Lectures on Public Economics, McGraw-Hill.
• Auerbach, A..J. and M. Feldstein (Eds.) (1987), Handbook of Public Economics, Elsevier.
• Cornes, R. and T. Sandler (1996), The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods and Club Goods, Cambridge University Press.
• Dahiya, S.B. (Ed.) (1999), The Current State of Economic Science, vol. 4, Spellbound Publications.
• Devereux, M.P. (Ed.) (1996), The Economics of Tax Policy, Oxford University Press.
• Persson, T. and G. Tabellini (2000), Political Economics, MIT Press.
• Shibata, H. and T. Ihori (Eds.) (1998), The Welfare State, Public Investment, and Growth, Springer-Verlag.
Take-home written exam
Take-home written exam