PeriodoPrimo semestre

Moduli | Settore/i | Tipo | Ore | Docente/i | |
The course will provide a general overview of the ways in which agricultural knowledge, both traditional and innovative, is informed, defined and regulated in the European innovation-driven society.
The main objective is to critically scrutinize the framework and evolution of EU Agricultural Law, that is meant as an engine of knowledge-led institutional innovation aimed at boosting more resilient and sustainable agricultural practices.
Assessment aims at evaluating the student’s ability to reason and rigorously analyse the topics covered during the course, as well as the proper use of legal terminology to explain agriculture-related normative issues. The correct use of the English language will be also evaluated, together with the capacity of linking issues to each other through a comprehensive approach.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to critically describe and analyse, from a normative perspective, the different areas where EU legislation is increasingly evolving in addressing the relationship between agriculture, the market and society.
The student is expected to be able to successfully deliver a critical analysis and discussion of agriculture-related legal issues, using suitable and proper technical language.
Regardless of previous background, at the end of the course the student will have hold learning capacities suitable to lead him/her to sufficiently comprehend pieces of legislations and courts’ judgments.
- Students will acquire and/or develop an awareness of environmental issues.
Attendance at lessons is encouraged and highly recommended. No requirements are needed for attending the course. However, interest and intellectual curiosity for an ethical-legal reflection on the agricultural sector is expected.
The teaching method will embrace the following activities:
1) Indoor lectures where the main course topics will be covered along with several examples. Teaching method will use high interactivity between teacher and students to stimulate discussion and also help breaking the barrier of shyness.
2) Presentations of case studies aimed at learning how to approach the vast array of legal documents.
3) Class discussions aimed to critically deconstruct legal rules and courts' rulings.
The basis and development of EU Agricultural Law
Legal sources and general principles
The Lisbon Treaty and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
Environmental principles and concepts
Agenda 2030 and the Green Deal
The Agricultural Law of the EU
Agricultural safety and product liability
Agricultural interbranch organisations in the EU
Agricultural Law and the environment
The rules of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Agricultural Law and human rights
The science and law of sustainable agriculture
Animal Welfare Legislation
Legislating against antimicrobial resistance
Climate-neutral agriculture, law and carbon farming
The EU Soil Law
Legislation on plant protection products
Precision agriculture between big data and the law
The Agri-biodiversity Law (animal and plant)
Reading materials will be provided during the class.
- The exam is made up of one oral test.
- The oral test consists of an interview between the candidate and the lecturer, together with the lecturer’s collaborators. It is not possible to pass the test if the candidate shows an inability to express him/herself in a clear manner using the correct terminology, or if the candidate does not respond sufficiently to questions regarding the most fundamental part of the course.