AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Lo studente acquisirà conoscenze relative alle emozioni e alle sue correlazioni con i segnali fisiologici. Oltre alle emozioni verranno studiati anche i correlati fisiologici con i disordini mentali
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: lo studente acquisirà conoscenze relative al mondo dell'interazione uomo macchina e uomo robot. Lo studente apprenderà i vari paradigmi di progettazione per sistemi digitali finalizzati all'interazione con l'uomo. Verranno condotte inoltre esperienze pratiche di progettazione e co-progettazione di sistemi interattivi utilizzando vari strumenti software e hardware.
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Students will gain knowledge about theories of emotion and mood disorders. Specifically they will learn how to model emotions and how to correlate them to the patterns of physiological signals.
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: students will acquire knowledge related to the world of human computer and humna robot interaction. Foundalmetals of design and development of interactive systems will be introduced together with most used software and hardware developing platforms.
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Le conoscenze acquisite verranno verificate attraverso test in itinere e finale
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Le conoscenze acquisite verranno verificate attraverso test in itinere basati su esercitazioni in classe e attraverso la valutazione di un progetto finale da presentare al docente e poi discutere in sessione orale di esame
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: The gained knowledge will be assessed through ongoing tests.
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: The gained knowledge will be assessed through ongoing tests and with a final project to be discussed during the exam oral session.
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Lo studente sarà in grado di capire le relazioni tra pattern di segnali fisioligici e emozioni, quindi sarà in grado di identificare e caratterizzare le emozioni oltre che capire la neurofisiologia dei disordini mentali.
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Lo studente sarà in grado di progettare in termini funzionali e di definire uno schema di interazione uomo-macchina per un sistema digitale quale un dispositivo IOT, un robot o un più comunemente detto oggetto "smart". Lo studente sarà inoltre in grado di progettare un prototipo basilare di un oggetto smart atto alla valutazione dell'interattività del sistema con gli esseri umani.
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Students will be able to process physiological data applying advanced linear and nonlinear methods trying to correlate that to the emotional experiences.
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: students will be able to design and define (in functional terms) a human-machine behavior and relationship scheme for a smart object, robot or digital device. Studentes will be also able to design a prototype aimed at testing the intercatcive capabilities of a smart object or robot.
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Progetto sperimentale finale e realtiva discussione orale
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: It is planned a final project with an experimental paradigm.
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: final project with oral presentation and discussion
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Capacità di progettare un protocollo sperimentale e definire un paradigma dettagliato
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Lo studente potrà acquisire e/o sviluppare sensibilità alle problematiche di interazione sociale ed emaptica fra uomo e robot e fra uomo e macchina. Lo studente potrà inoltre saper gestire responsabilità di esecuzione e formalizzazione di un progetto di design di prodottointerattivo.
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Real experimental data will be collected with a suitable protocol
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: student will be able to acquire and/or develop sensitivity to the problems of social and hemapic interaction between humans and robots and between humans and machines. The students will be also able to manage responsibility for the execution and formalization of an interactive product design project
Modulo di AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Eventuale progetto sperimentale finale
Modulo di DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Progetto sperimentale finale
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Assessment will be done through the design of a final experimental protocol
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Assessment will be done through the evaluatio of the final project
Modulo di AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Lezioni frontali e esercitazioni di laboratorio
Modulo di DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Lezioni frontali e esercitazioni in classe.
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Frontal lesson and laboratory practice
DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Frontal lesson and in-class practice
Neurophysiology of emotion: limbic system, prefrontal cortex, emispheres and insular cortex. Autonomic nervous system: fight or flight and rest and digest theories
Primary and secondary emotions and decision making
Theories of emotion and computational models
ECG: elettrophysiology, leads, circuit design
Pan-Tompkins algorithm. Respiration activity: physiology and methods of acquisition
ECG and respiration monitoring systems: contact and contactless
Cardio-pulmonary coupling and biofeedback
HRV signal: feature extraction in time and frequency domains
Respiration signal: feature extraction, Introduction to non-linear analysis
Linear stability analysis and Takens theorem
Phase space reconstruction, Fractals, correlation dimension and Lyapunov exponents
Hurst exponent, detrended fluctation analysis, approximate end sample entropy algorithms
Fuzzy and distribution entropy algorithms, Multiscale entropy algorithm
Multivariate algorithms, Poincaré plot, symbolic analysis
Brain emotional computer interfaces
Eye tracking: working principle, systems and applications
Affective haptics
EEG emotion classification
Mood disorders
EEG mental disorders
Emotional face detection
Speech and voice processing: models, methods of analysis and feature extraction
- Introduction: foundamentals of human-robot and human-machine interaction, Definition of social robot and smart object, examples of human-robot and human-machine interaction paradigm and artifacts, example of human like social robots, Definition of smart objects and internet of things (IOT) device
- Interactive systems control paradigms
- Internet of things and ubiquitous devices
- AI for robots and inteacrtive systems: Intelligent Agents, Expert Systems, The Embodied Mind
- Smart systems perception: basics of sensors, actuators, and acquisition devices
- Prototyping and pretotyping
- Programming a smart device
Neurophysiology of emotion: limbic system, prefrontal cortex, emispheres and insular cortex. Autonomic nervous system: fight or flight and rest and digest theories
Primary and secondary emotions and decision making
Theories of emotion and computational models
ECG: elettrophysiology, leads, circuit design
Pan-Tompkins algorithm. Respiration activity: physiology and methods of acquisition
ECG and respiration monitoring systems: contact and contactless
Cardio-pulmonary coupling and biofeedback
HRV signal: feature extraction in time and frequency domains
Respiration signal: feature extraction, Introduction to non-linear analysis
Linear stability analysis and Takens theorem
Phase space reconstruction, Fractals, correlation dimension and Lyapunov exponents
Hurst exponent, detrended fluctation analysis, approximate end sample entropy algorithms
Fuzzy and distribution entropy algorithms, Multiscale entropy algorithm
Multivariate algorithms, Poincaré plot, symbolic analysis
Brain emotional computer interfaces
Eye tracking: working principle, systems and applications
Affective haptics
EEG emotion classification
Mood disorders
EEG mental disorders
Emotional face detection
Speech and voice processing: models, methods of analysis and feature extraction
- Introduction: foundamentals of human-robot and human-machine interaction, Definition of social robot and smart object, examples of human-robot and human-machine interaction paradigm and artifacts, example of human like social robots, Definition of smart objects and internet of things (IOT) device
- Interactive systems control paradigms
- Internet of things and ubiquitous devices
- AI for robots and inteacrtive systems: Intelligent Agents, Expert Systems, The Embodied Mind
- Smart systems perception: basics of sensors, actuators, and acquisition devices
- Prototyping and pretotyping
- Programming a smart device
Modulo di AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Appunti e dispense forniti dal docente
Modulo di Social Robotics: Appunti e dispense forniti dal docente
both modules: Notes provided by the teacher
Modulo di AFFECTIVE COMPUTING: Prova orale
Modulo di DESIGN OF INTERACTIVE ROBOTS AND MACHINES: Progetto finale più prova orale