Academic year 2023/2024


Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Piano di studio 2023/24

Year 1 (2023/2024)
017EEAnimal biology6 ECTS
405CCGeneral chemistry and physical chemistry15 ECTS
016EEHuman anatomy and histology6 ECTS
805AAMathematics with elements of statistics 6 ECTS
005FFMicrobiology6 ECTS
423BBPhysics6 ECTS
263EEPhysiology6 ECTS
018EEPlant biology and principles of pharmaceutical botany6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
304CCAnalytical chemistry and quantitative analysis of drugs I12 ECTS
020EEBasic molecular biology6 ECTS
057ZWComputer science3 ECTS
058ZWEuropean language3 ECTS
117FFGeneral pathology and medical terminology6 ECTS
465EEGeneral Pharmacology 6 ECTS
018CCOrganic Chemistry I9 ECTS
234CCQualitative analysis of drugs I 12 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
021EEBiochemistry9 ECTS
090IIControl and safety of production processes in pharmaceutical6 ECTS
022CCMedicinal Chemistry and toxicology I6 ECTS
019CCOrganic chemistry II6 ECTS
464EEPharmacology, pharmacotherapy, Pharmacognosy and Toxicology12 ECTS
021CCQualitative analysis of drugs II12 ECTS
029CCSpectrometric identification of organic compounds6 ECTS
Year 4 (2026/2027)
305CCAdvanced medicinal chemistry research and drug development6 ECTS
022EEApplied biochemistry9 ECTS
027CCApplied pharmaceutical chemistry6 ECTS
242CCFood Chemistry6 ECTS
285CCIndustrial manufacture of medicines 6 ECTS
028CCMedicinal Chemistry and toxicology II9 ECTS
024CCPharmaceutical technology and legislation9 ECTS
312CCQuantitative analysis of drugs II6 ECTS
Group GR1 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
  Activity of your choice12 ECTS
  Advanced computer-aided drug design6 ECTS
 237CCAdvanced Organic Chemistry6 ECTS
 243CCAdvanced pharmaceutical chemistry6 ECTS
 401CCArtificial intelligence in drug discovery 3 ECTS
 306EEBiochemical bases of Action of Drugs6 ECTS
 513EEBotanical Authenticity and certification 6 ECTS
 403CCChallenges and options in the green development of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)3 ECTS
 341CCChemistry and Bioactivity of Organic Natural Products6 ECTS
 376CCChemistry of doping and abuse substances3 ECTS
  Drug delivery strategies and technologies6 ECTS
 463EEExperimental Pharmacology3 ECTS
 388CCLaboratory for the development of advanced pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices 6 ECTS
 343CCNon testing methods3 ECTS
 514EEOfficinal plants of health interest6 ECTS
 255CCPharmaceutical Biotechnology3 ECTS
 330EEPharmacological biotechnology3 ECTS
 322CCPrinciples of diagnostic imaging3 ECTS
  Retrosynthetic Approach to Organic Synthesis6 ECTS
 1765ZSeminary 6 ECTS
 404CCTechnology and regulation of cosmetic products3 ECTS
 007CEThe 3Rs principle in preclinical studies: from reconstituted tissues to computational approaches3 ECTS
Year 5 (2027/2028)
059ZWDissertation30 ECTS
060ZWProfessional training30 ECTS
Group GR2 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
  Advanced computer-aided drug design6 ECTS
 237CCAdvanced Organic Chemistry6 ECTS
 243CCAdvanced pharmaceutical chemistry6 ECTS
 401CCArtificial intelligence in drug discovery 3 ECTS
 306EEBiochemical bases of Action of Drugs6 ECTS
 513EEBotanical Authenticity and certification 6 ECTS
 403CCChallenges and options in the green development of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)3 ECTS
 341CCChemistry and Bioactivity of Organic Natural Products6 ECTS
 376CCChemistry of doping and abuse substances3 ECTS
  Drug delivery strategies and technologies6 ECTS
 463EEExperimental Pharmacology3 ECTS
 388CCLaboratory for the development of advanced pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices 6 ECTS
 343CCNon testing methods3 ECTS
 514EEOfficinal plants of health interest6 ECTS
 255CCPharmaceutical Biotechnology3 ECTS
 330EEPharmacological biotechnology3 ECTS
 322CCPrinciples of diagnostic imaging3 ECTS
  Retrosynthetic Approach to Organic Synthesis6 ECTS
 1765ZSeminary 6 ECTS
 404CCTechnology and regulation of cosmetic products3 ECTS
 007CEThe 3Rs principle in preclinical studies: from reconstituted tissues to computational approaches3 ECTS