Academic year 2023/2024

MATEMATICA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track Applicativo

Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Free choice6 ECTS
774AAFundamentals of mathematical physics11 ECTS
772AAPrinciples of numerical analysis11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Group ModAppl - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
Group ModTeor - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1227ZFinal proof27 ECTS
 Free choice6 ECTS
Group IstTeor - Choice of 11 ECTS from:
 769AAPrinciples of algebra11 ECTS
 768AAPrinciples of geometry11 ECTS
 770AAPrinciples of mathematical analysis11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS

Track Didattico

Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Free choice6 ECTS
771AAPrinciples of mathematics education11 ECTS
Group IstTeor - Choice of 11 ECTS from:
 769AAPrinciples of algebra11 ECTS
 768AAPrinciples of geometry11 ECTS
 770AAPrinciples of mathematical analysis11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Group ModDidStor - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
Group ModTeor - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1227ZFinal proof27 ECTS
 Free choice6 ECTS
Group IstAppTeor - Choice of 11 ECTS from:
 774AAFundamentals of mathematical physics11 ECTS
 769AAPrinciples of algebra11 ECTS
 768AAPrinciples of geometry11 ECTS
 770AAPrinciples of mathematical analysis11 ECTS
 772AAPrinciples of numerical analysis11 ECTS
 773AAPrinciples of probability11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Group ModAffInt2 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 1226ZScientific Writing in English – Theory and Practice6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS

Track Generale

Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Free choice6 ECTS
Group IstAppl - Choice of 11 ECTS from:
 774AAFundamentals of mathematical physics11 ECTS
 772AAPrinciples of numerical analysis11 ECTS
 773AAPrinciples of probability11 ECTS
Group IstTeor - Choice of 11 ECTS from:
 769AAPrinciples of algebra11 ECTS
 768AAPrinciples of geometry11 ECTS
 770AAPrinciples of mathematical analysis11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Group ModTeor - Choice of 24 ECTS from:
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1227ZFinal proof27 ECTS
 Free choice6 ECTS
Group IstTot - Choice of 11 ECTS from:
 774AAFundamentals of mathematical physics11 ECTS
 769AAPrinciples of algebra11 ECTS
 768AAPrinciples of geometry11 ECTS
 770AAPrinciples of mathematical analysis11 ECTS
 771AAPrinciples of mathematics education11 ECTS
 772AAPrinciples of numerical analysis11 ECTS
 773AAPrinciples of probability11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS

Track Modellistico

Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Free choice6 ECTS
770AAPrinciples of mathematical analysis11 ECTS
773AAPrinciples of probability11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Group ModAppl - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
Group ModTeor - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1227ZFinal proof27 ECTS
 Free choice6 ECTS
Group IstFisNum - Choice of 11 ECTS from:
 774AAFundamentals of mathematical physics11 ECTS
 772AAPrinciples of numerical analysis11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS

Track Teorico

Year 1 (2023/2024)
 Free choice6 ECTS
769AAPrinciples of algebra11 ECTS
770AAPrinciples of mathematical analysis11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Group ModAppl - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
Group ModTeor - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1227ZFinal proof27 ECTS
 Free choice6 ECTS
768AAPrinciples of geometry11 ECTS
Group ModAffInt - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 231AA2-manifolds6 ECTS
 232AA3-manifolds6 ECTS
 233AA4-manifolds6 ECTS
 145AAAdvanced mechanics6 ECTS
 107AAAdvanced numerical linear algebra6 ECTS
 560AAAdvanced probability6 ECTS
 669AAAdvanced Statistics 6 ECTS
 037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
 038AAAlgebra 2 6 ECTS
 797AAAlgebraic combinatorics6 ECTS
 115AAAlgebraic geometry A6 ECTS
 116AAAlgebraic geometry B6 ECTS
 117AAAlgebraic geometry C6 ECTS
 118AAAlgebraic geometry D6 ECTS
 119AAAlgebraic geometry E6 ECTS
 120AAAlgebraic geometry F6 ECTS
 608AAAlgebraic geometry G6 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 202AAAlgebraic number theory 26 ECTS
 706AAAlgebraic number theory 36 ECTS
 777AAAlgebraic topology A6 ECTS
 766AAAlgebraic topology B6 ECTS
 039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
 549AAAnalysis in metric spaces6 ECTS
 204AAAnalytic number theory A6 ECTS
 205AAAnalytic number theory B6 ECTS
 701AAApplications of Differential Equations in Biomedicine6 ECTS
 700AAApplications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine6 ECTS
 146AAApproximation methods6 ECTS
 210AAAutomated control theory6 ECTS
 096AACalculus of variations A6 ECTS
 097AACalculus of variations B6 ECTS
 220AACategory theory6 ECTS
 142AACelestial mechanics6 ECTS
 209AACoding theory6 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 610AACombinatorial optimization6 ECTS
 582AAComplements of mathematics education6 ECTS
 091AAComplex analysis A6 ECTS
 092AAComplex analysis B6 ECTS
 123AAComplex differential geometry6 ECTS
 217AAComputability Theory6 ECTS
 082AAComputational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 129AAComputational real geometry6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 083AAComputer algebra A6 ECTS
 084AAComputer algebra B.6 ECTS
 122AAContact geometry 6 ECTS
 143AAContinuous mechanics6 ECTS
 093AAConvex analysis6 ECTS
 132AACoxeter Groups6 ECTS
 098AACyclotomic fields6 ECTS
 699AAData Analysis6 ECTS
 222AADescriptive complexity theory6 ECTS
 528AADidactics of mathematics and new technologies6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 155AADifferential operators and index theorems6 ECTS
 227AADifferential topology6 ECTS
 171AADiscrete dynamical systems6 ECTS
 139AADiscrete mathematics6 ECTS
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 580AADynamics of the solar system6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory 6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 514AAElements of calculus of homogeneous groups6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 704AAElliptic curves6 ECTS
 109AAElliptic equations6 ECTS
 554AAEquations of fluid mechanics6 ECTS
 224AAErgodic theory6 ECTS
 702AAÉtale cohomology6 ECTS
 168AAEvolution problems6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 110AAFinancial Mathematics 6 ECTS
 112AAFoundations of mathematics6 ECTS
 099AAFunctional Analysis6 ECTS
 172AAFunctional spaces6 ECTS
 211AAGame theory.6 ECTS
 229AAGeneral topology6 ECTS
 548AAGeometric analysis6 ECTS
 225AAGeometric measure theory6 ECTS
 124AAGeometry and topology of surfaces6 ECTS
 121AAGeometry of metric spaces6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 212AAGroup theory6 ECTS
 090AAHarmonic analysis6 ECTS
 087AAHigher algebra A6 ECTS
 088AAHigher algebra B6 ECTS
 798AAHigher Analysis A6 ECTS
 799AAHigher Analysis B6 ECTS
 186AAHistory of ancient mathematics and its tradition6 ECTS
 106AAHolomorphic dynamics6 ECTS
 086AAHomological algebra6 ECTS
 105AAHyperbolic dynamics6 ECTS
 556AAHyperbolic equations6 ECTS
 125AAHyperbolic geometry6 ECTS
 076AAHystory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 609AAIntroduction to geometric measure theory6 ECTS
 133AAIntroduction to p-adic analysis6 ECTS
 018BBIntroduction to quantum mechanics6 ECTS
 746AAKnot theory A6 ECTS
 747AAKnot Theory B6 ECTS
 807AAL functions6 ECTS
 089AALie algebras and Lie groups6 ECTS
 705AALinear algebraic groups6 ECTS
 085AALinear and multilinear algebra.6 ECTS
 152AALinear and nonlinear waves:6 ECTS
 228AALow-dimensional topology and geometry6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 36 ECTS
 796AAMathematical aspects in quantum computing6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 147AAMathematical methods in Cryptography6 ECTS
 559AAMathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 140AAMathematics and music6 ECTS
 670AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part A6 ECTS
 671AAMathematics for Teaching Middle School Part B6 ECTS
 111AAMath Physics6 ECTS
 219AAMeasure theory6 ECTS
 775AAMethods of harmonic analysis in nonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 094AAMicrolocal analysis6 ECTS
 187AAMinimal Surfaces6 ECTS
 213AAModel Theory.6 ECTS
 113AAModular forms6 ECTS
 698AANoncommutative algebra6 ECTS
 095AANonlinear analysis6 ECTS
 552AANonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications6 ECTS
 550AANon-standard analysis 6 ECTS
 150AANumerical methods for Fourier analysis.6 ECTS
 149AANumerical methods for graphics.6 ECTS
 148AANumerical methods for Markov chains.6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 795AANumerical methods for partial differential equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 611AAOperational research and communication and transport nets.6 ECTS
 216AAOptimal control theory6 ECTS
 101AAOrbital determination6 ECTS
 108AAOrdinary differential equations6 ECTS
 156AAOrigins and development of modern mathematics6 ECTS
 781AAp-adic Galois respresentations6 ECTS
 557AAParabolic equations6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 553AAPartial differential equations 26 ECTS
 015BBPhysics Complements6 ECTS
 243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
 247BBPhysics lab for teaching6 ECTS
 703AAPost-quantum cryptography6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 613AAProblems and methods in history of mathematics6 ECTS
 612AAProblems and methods in Mathematics Education Research6 ECTS
 166AAProblem solving6 ECTS
 218AAProof theory6 ECTS
 575AARational mechanics6 ECTS
 551AAReal analysis6 ECTS
 126AAReal geometry A6 ECTS
 127AAReal geometry B6 ECTS
 128AAReal geometry C6 ECTS
 581AARelativistic mechanics6 ECTS
 130AARiemannian geometry6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
 215AASemigroup theory6 ECTS
 767AASet Theory A6 ECTS
 778AASet Theory B6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 144AASpace mechanics6 ECTS
 114AASpecial functions6 ECTS
 555AAStochastic differential equations and applications6 ECTS
 071AAStochastic processes6 ECTS
 185AASymmetric spaces6 ECTS
 131AASymplectic geometry6 ECTS
 201AATechnologies for education6 ECTS
 806AATheories in Mathematics education6 ECTS
 577AATheory and methods of optimization6 ECTS
 221AATheory of functions6 ECTS
 151AATopological methods for differential equations6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS
 230AAUltrafilters and nonstandard methods6 ECTS