Academic year 2023/2024


Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track Controllo di qualità

Year 1 (2023/2024)
395EEAnimal, plant biology and pharmaceutical botany 9 ECTS
004BAApplied physics and elements of mathematics and statistic6 ECTS
067ZWEuropean language3 ECTS
308CCGeneral chemistry and stechiometry 12 ECTS
399EEHuman Physiology and Anatomy 12 ECTS
026GGMarketing and comunication6 ECTS
265CCOrganic Chemistry 6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
394EEBiochemistry9 ECTS
347CCChemical-toxicological analysis with elements of applied analytical analysis with validation procedures 1 6 ECTS
273CCChemistry of health products12 ECTS
321FFMicrobiology 6 ECTS
398EEPharmacology and Pharmacognosy12 ECTS
272CCQuali-quantitative analysis of health products.9 ECTS
278CCQualitative and quantitative spectroscopic techniques in organic chemistry 6 ECTS
Group Corsi a scelta dello studente 1 - Controllo di qualità - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1282ZActivities chosen by the student6 ECTS
 327CCAdvanced pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices 3 ECTS
 004CEAntitumor and antimicrobial drugs6 ECTS
 346CCChemical analysis of food6 ECTS
 348CCChemistry of natural compounds for the prevention of dementia3 ECTS
 328CCChemistry of substances of abuse3 ECTS
 570EEEssential oils and flavors of plant origin: chemistry and applications3 ECTS
 403FFForensic toxicology3 ECTS
 332CCPharmaceutical patents3 ECTS
 577EEPlant nutra-ingredients6 ECTS
 331CCReceptor Chemistry3 ECTS
 404FFToxicology and neuropsychopharmacology of drugs of abuse 3 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
334CCChemical-toxicological analysis with elements of applied analytical analysis with validation procedures 2 6 ECTS
073ZWDissertation6 ECTS
385CCFormulation and legislation of health products and cosmetics I6 ECTS
386CCFormulation and legislation of health products and cosmetics II6 ECTS
275CCFormulation quality control and management of industrial production6 ECTS
274CCMedicinal Chemistry and Chemistry of Organic Natural Products6 ECTS
 Professional trainings9 ECTS
349CCQuality system and REACH9 ECTS
Group Corsi a scelta dello studente 2 - Controllo di qualità - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1282ZActivities chosen by the student6 ECTS
 327CCAdvanced pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices 3 ECTS
 004CEAntitumor and antimicrobial drugs6 ECTS
 346CCChemical analysis of food6 ECTS
 348CCChemistry of natural compounds for the prevention of dementia3 ECTS
 328CCChemistry of substances of abuse3 ECTS
 570EEEssential oils and flavors of plant origin: chemistry and applications3 ECTS
 403FFForensic toxicology3 ECTS
 332CCPharmaceutical patents3 ECTS
 577EEPlant nutra-ingredients6 ECTS
 331CCReceptor Chemistry3 ECTS
 404FFToxicology and neuropsychopharmacology of drugs of abuse 3 ECTS

Track Informazione per la salute

Year 1 (2023/2024)
395EEAnimal, plant biology and pharmaceutical botany 9 ECTS
004BAApplied physics and elements of mathematics and statistic6 ECTS
067ZWEuropean language3 ECTS
308CCGeneral chemistry and stechiometry 12 ECTS
399EEHuman Physiology and Anatomy 12 ECTS
026GGMarketing and comunication6 ECTS
265CCOrganic Chemistry 6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
394EEBiochemistry9 ECTS
273CCChemistry of health products12 ECTS
322FFGeneral pathology and clinical nutrition9 ECTS
321FFMicrobiology 6 ECTS
398EEPharmacology and Pharmacognosy12 ECTS
272CCQuali-quantitative analysis of health products.9 ECTS
Group Corsi a scelta dello studente 1 - Informazione per la salute - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1282ZActivities chosen by the student6 ECTS
 327CCAdvanced pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices 3 ECTS
 004CEAntitumor and antimicrobial drugs6 ECTS
 348CCChemistry of natural compounds for the prevention of dementia3 ECTS
 328CCChemistry of substances of abuse3 ECTS
 570EEEssential oils and flavors of plant origin: chemistry and applications3 ECTS
 403FFForensic toxicology3 ECTS
 215FFInternal medicine6 ECTS
 086FFMedical genetics3 ECTS
 089FFPediatrics3 ECTS
 332CCPharmaceutical patents3 ECTS
 331CCReceptor Chemistry3 ECTS
 404FFToxicology and neuropsychopharmacology of drugs of abuse 3 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
402EEBiotechnology products6 ECTS
241QQCommunication sociology and methods of information and territory management6 ECTS
073ZWDissertation6 ECTS
385CCFormulation and legislation of health products and cosmetics I6 ECTS
386CCFormulation and legislation of health products and cosmetics II6 ECTS
001CPHealth technology assessment and health legislation.6 ECTS
 Professional trainings9 ECTS
004ECSpecial pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, biopharmaceutics and pharmacovigilance12 ECTS
Group Corsi a scelta dello studente 2 - Informazione per la salute - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1282ZActivities chosen by the student6 ECTS
 327CCAdvanced pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices 3 ECTS
 004CEAntitumor and antimicrobial drugs6 ECTS
 348CCChemistry of natural compounds for the prevention of dementia3 ECTS
 328CCChemistry of substances of abuse3 ECTS
 570EEEssential oils and flavors of plant origin: chemistry and applications3 ECTS
 403FFForensic toxicology3 ECTS
 215FFInternal medicine6 ECTS
 086FFMedical genetics3 ECTS
 089FFPediatrics3 ECTS
 332CCPharmaceutical patents3 ECTS
 331CCReceptor Chemistry3 ECTS
 404FFToxicology and neuropsychopharmacology of drugs of abuse 3 ECTS

Track Scienze erboristiche

Year 1 (2023/2024)
395EEAnimal, plant biology and pharmaceutical botany 9 ECTS
004BAApplied physics and elements of mathematics and statistic6 ECTS
067ZWEuropean language3 ECTS
308CCGeneral chemistry and stechiometry 12 ECTS
399EEHuman Physiology and Anatomy 12 ECTS
026GGMarketing and comunication6 ECTS
265CCOrganic Chemistry 6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
394EEBiochemistry9 ECTS
273CCChemistry of health products12 ECTS
321FFMicrobiology 6 ECTS
396EEPharmaceutical Botany and herbal drugs9 ECTS
398EEPharmacology and Pharmacognosy12 ECTS
272CCQuali-quantitative analysis of health products.9 ECTS
Group Corsi a scelta dello studente 1 - Scienze erboristiche - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1282ZActivities chosen by the student6 ECTS
 346CCChemical analysis of food6 ECTS
 348CCChemistry of natural compounds for the prevention of dementia3 ECTS
 328CCChemistry of substances of abuse3 ECTS
 241QQCommunication sociology and methods of information and territory management6 ECTS
 570EEEssential oils and flavors of plant origin: chemistry and applications3 ECTS
 403FFForensic toxicology3 ECTS
 274CCMedicinal Chemistry and Chemistry of Organic Natural Products6 ECTS
 332CCPharmaceutical patents3 ECTS
 577EEPlant nutra-ingredients6 ECTS
 488EESystematic botany6 ECTS
 404FFToxicology and neuropsychopharmacology of drugs of abuse 3 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
329GGDefense of medicinal plants 6 ECTS
073ZWDissertation6 ECTS
385CCFormulation and legislation of health products and cosmetics I6 ECTS
386CCFormulation and legislation of health products and cosmetics II6 ECTS
401EEPhytochemistry, extraction and analysis of plant secondary metabolites9 ECTS
400EEPlant physiology and Medicinal plant biotechnology9 ECTS
328GGPrinciples of Agronomy & Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops6 ECTS
 Professional trainings9 ECTS
Group Corsi a scelta dello studente 2 - Scienze erboristiche - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1282ZActivities chosen by the student6 ECTS
 346CCChemical analysis of food6 ECTS
 348CCChemistry of natural compounds for the prevention of dementia3 ECTS
 328CCChemistry of substances of abuse3 ECTS
 241QQCommunication sociology and methods of information and territory management6 ECTS
 570EEEssential oils and flavors of plant origin: chemistry and applications3 ECTS
 403FFForensic toxicology3 ECTS
 274CCMedicinal Chemistry and Chemistry of Organic Natural Products6 ECTS
 332CCPharmaceutical patents3 ECTS
 577EEPlant nutra-ingredients6 ECTS
 488EESystematic botany6 ECTS
 404FFToxicology and neuropsychopharmacology of drugs of abuse 3 ECTS