Academic year 2023/2024


Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track Imprenditorialità sociale e management del Terzo Settore

Year 1 (2023/2024)
717MMCommunity psychology6 ECTS
597NNJuvenile and family law and Regional and local government law12 ECTS
336QQResearch Methods for Social Work9 ECTS
338QQSocial Services Management and Planning6 ECTS
337QQTheories and methodologies for the evaluation of social services9 ECTS
718MMTheories, models and methods of psychosocial intervention6 ECTS
Group Ambito delle discipline politiche ed economiche - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 118QQHistory of contemporary political and social thought6 ECTS
 184QQHistory of social and political Institutions6 ECTS
 684PPThe economics of the Welfare State6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
 English language for social sciences3 ECTS
 Final Exam15 ECTS
 Sociology of organisation6 ECTS
 Sociology of the Third Sector6 ECTS
 Traineeship12 ECTS
Group Attività a libera scelta dello studente - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
  Elements of public procurement law for social services6 ECTS
 118QQHistory of contemporary political and social thought6 ECTS
 184QQHistory of social and political Institutions6 ECTS
  International migrations and social transformations6 ECTS
  Internet Studies9 ECTS
  Labour Law in the Socio-Health Professions6 ECTS
  Organization Science of the non-profit sector6 ECTS
  Promotion of psychosocial well-being in the helping professions 6 ECTS
  Social Demography6 ECTS
  Sociology of work6 ECTS
  Sociology, territories and social cohesion6 ECTS
 684PPThe economics of the Welfare State6 ECTS
  The economy in the Constitution, welfare state and legal protection of weak subjects6 ECTS
  Third Sector Law6 ECTS
Group Rosa curriculum Imprenditorialità sociale e management del Terzo settore - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
  International migrations and social transformations6 ECTS
  Labour Law in the Socio-Health Professions6 ECTS
  Organization Science of the non-profit sector6 ECTS
  Promotion of psychosocial well-being in the helping professions 6 ECTS
  Third Sector Law6 ECTS

Track Programmazione, gestione e innovazione nei servizi sociali

Year 1 (2023/2024)
717MMCommunity psychology6 ECTS
597NNJuvenile and family law and Regional and local government law12 ECTS
336QQResearch Methods for Social Work9 ECTS
338QQSocial Services Management and Planning6 ECTS
337QQTheories and methodologies for the evaluation of social services9 ECTS
718MMTheories, models and methods of psychosocial intervention6 ECTS
Group Ambito delle discipline politiche ed economiche - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 118QQHistory of contemporary political and social thought6 ECTS
 184QQHistory of social and political Institutions6 ECTS
 684PPThe economics of the Welfare State6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
 English language for social sciences3 ECTS
 Final Exam15 ECTS
 Group Psychology6 ECTS
 Social change and social work6 ECTS
 Traineeship12 ECTS
Group Attività a libera scelta dello studente - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
  Elements of public procurement law for social services6 ECTS
 118QQHistory of contemporary political and social thought6 ECTS
 184QQHistory of social and political Institutions6 ECTS
  International migrations and social transformations6 ECTS
  Internet Studies9 ECTS
  Labour Law in the Socio-Health Professions6 ECTS
  Organization Science of the non-profit sector6 ECTS
  Promotion of psychosocial well-being in the helping professions 6 ECTS
  Social Demography6 ECTS
  Sociology of work6 ECTS
  Sociology, territories and social cohesion6 ECTS
 684PPThe economics of the Welfare State6 ECTS
  The economy in the Constitution, welfare state and legal protection of weak subjects6 ECTS
  Third Sector Law6 ECTS
Group Rosa curriculum Programmazione, gestione e innovazione nei servizi sociali - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
  Elements of public procurement law for social services6 ECTS
  Social Demography6 ECTS
  Sociology of work6 ECTS
  Sociology, territories and social cohesion6 ECTS
  The economy in the Constitution, welfare state and legal protection of weak subjects6 ECTS